Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Slowly Getting Ready To Leave...........

for the Roughneck Rendezvous at Ocotillo Wells Off Road park in California. Damn, been so long since we've moved that I've forgotten what I had to do. Guess a check list would be helpful. Doesn't seem like we have this much crap laying around that has to be picked up and stowed away...........but we getting closer to leaving for a few days.

We're trying to leave tomorrow instead of Thursday and plan to spend the night in El Centro. They have a Costco so we need to pick up some stuff there since it's the closest Costco. Was going to stay overnight at NAF El Centro and called them, they have a couple of spaces available; but, I'd have to unhook the trailer and that's a PIA. Will probably drive over late afternoon, get our shopping done and spend the night in the Wally World parking lot. I called them and they said "no problem, as long as it's overnight".

Becky sees her oncologist tomorrow morning so we'll see what he has to say, finish packing up and then head West.

Going to let Frank use the Suzuki while Suz is gallivanting around the countryside with her sister and the damn thing wouldn't start today! Dead battery.........should have sold it when I had the chance. Oh well, a trip to Wally World for a cheap battery and we're in business again. Sure hope the cheap battery doesn't die on Frank!

About it for now...........will update if the air card works at O.W. I think it does; but, can't remember back that far to be certain............after all it was a year ago the last time we were there. W&B

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