Saturday, January 1, 2011

H A P P Y N E W Y E A R !

.........celebrated the arrival of the New Year by watching the "Ball" drop in NYC on TV.....of course it was only 2200 here and by midnight I was dozing on the couch and missed the actual beginning of 2011. No biggie. I considered firing a few rounds toward the bombing range, figured there would not be anything out there at midnight except a few scorpions, but the TV stations kept warning about the firing of weapons to celebrate so opted against it. Probably a good idea.

Since the "Cold Spell" set in a few days ago we haven't been doing a run in case we got snowed in and managed to see the "Little Fockers" last week. Made couple of casino runs..........won a bit and lost some back, managed to stay about even.

Woke up this morning to see that a new rig pulled onto the lot...........don't know when they arrived; but, we got a full house now. Snowbirds are starting to arrive and the RV parks are filling up.............bummer, the next few months the traffic will really suck!

Sun is out; but, temps still in upper 50s; but, getting warmer day by day. Guess we'll get out and about today to see what the new year has to offer. Later. W&B

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