Thursday, August 19, 2010


........thought I'd publish pics of the Washington Morris' new puppy, Pedro. Tami sent me some photos of the little "White Rat", actually he's another miniture Schnauzer, that they obtained about a week ago. Can't remember Ollie being that small; but, guess he was.

Therapest was here yesterday and added some more exercises to my growing list. I told her that was a full time job just trying to do them all three times a day and she responded with "that's your job!" I told her I was retired!! Well, will work on them; but, I'm sure they all are not going to get done every day.

Walked around the block a couple of times yesterday and think maybe I should have limited my trip to one instead of two. Live and learn..........I paid the price trying to sleep last night.

We headed to the casino yesterday afternoon and when we arrived we discovered it was another Wallet Night, shortly after 1600 and the old folks were already lined up to get their "free" wallet. Played the slots for a little while, was $10.00 ahead and we decided to leave before the real crowd arrived. I think Becky even quit a couple of bucks ahead.

That's about it for now, weather has calmed down a bit and not as warm has it has been. W&B

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