Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Saw The Doc Today............

or I should say I saw his PA who assists in surgery. Kinda interesting, while waiting to be seen, I also needed xrays taken before I saw the Doc, there were these "Old" People stacking up for xrays. They were arriving in wheelchairs, walkers and only one other old guy was hobbling around with his cane. They were all wearing the little compression socks or else they had the tell tale steri-strips still attached to their knees, same as me. Looked like they were all arriving for their 2 week return visit. When I saw them I finally realized that my recovery is doing pretty good since I threw away my cane last week.

Doc said I was doing great, just advised me not to "over do" it and end up going backwards. Got another appointment in a month and he filled out a form for me to continue with out-patient physical therapy in Corning. The PT office is about a mile down the road and Becky ses I could "walk" to my appointments. Don't think so.

Asked about "driving" and told them I had already been driving yesterday. He ses whenever I feel confortable I should be OK to drive. I feel safer with my driving then I do as a passenger.

That's about it........will check in with PT tomorrow and see what they suggest......other than that all I gotta do is walk and continue with exercises. He said recovery is slow and would probably take 6 months or more to get back to "normal"..........what ever the hell that is. I'm able to walk further now then I've been able to do in the last nine months.

That's about it............gotta make a casino run since it's also "Old Folks" day and I don't smell anything cooking on the stove. Later. W

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