Monday, August 2, 2010

Still In Arcata...............

We slept in and when we got up Fergie started breakfast for us..........blueberry pancakes made with fresh blueberries he just picked this morning from his back yard, sausage and bacon and maple syrup. Doesn't get much better!

During and after breakfast we shot the breeze about the old home town, Falls City, NE. Tried to figure out who was still alive and what they were doing. Since I've never been back to a reunion I didn't know much about the people I went to high school with. Fergie attend our 50th three years ago so he knew a lot more about who's where and what. Did some catching up and then we headed for Eureka. Fergie belongs to a Railroad Club down there so we wanted to see the railroad set up that they have. Man it was fabulous. Becky took a bunch of pictures so she'll probably post some of them on her blog. I took a few pics and here's a description of them. The detail and hard work these old farts put in their models is amazing. I guess they've been working on this setup for over 30 years.

Fourth picture is a "hobo camp", and then they have some people "mooning" near a water tower, and even an airport. Last but not least is Santa sking down the mountain. We probably spent an hour there and could have stayed much longer just trying to see everything.

Time moves on so we headed to another casino for a late lunch. Spent a couple of hours there and I managed to leave $5.00 ahead. It was cheap entertainment.

Looks like we'll be leaving tomorrow, my phone went dead and when I charged it up I found two messages from the VA that I had missed. Got an appointment scheduled for Wednesday and another scheduled for Friday so we gotta get out of here. Later. W&B

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