Sunday, August 1, 2010

Spent The Day Around Arcata.............

Published these in reverse order; but, no one knows. Top pics were taken at Trinidad, a little burg North of Arcata. This is Fergie and myself.........I'm the younger looking one in the red shirt. Nice view of the beach from here. On our way home we found a virtual cache that was titled the Largest Totem Pole, or something like that. It was a big sucker and if you double click on the photo you should be able to read the sign.

We wanted to show Fergie a little about geocaching today so I downloaded a few caches and we went looking for them. Didn't find too many, 6 or 7 I think, but he got an idea of what geocaching entails. First one was about .2 mile from his house. Eventually he and Becky found it. These bottom pics were taken at Trinidad of the inlet below. Lottsa neat rock formations.

There was a little casino at Trinidad so we stopped there for lunch.........senior lunch of $3.25. Not bad, actually very good for the price. Also we signed up for membership cards and Becky and I both drew a card from a pile that gave us some money play on our cards.......we both came up with $25.00 and Fergie drew one for $10. I played my $25.00 and actually was ahead $29 and some some change.............."was ahead" is the key words here. I lost it back to them. Just before we left I invested some of my own money and actually came out a winner! We quit after that and slowly headed back to Arcata geocaching on the way. Nice day and the weather was great, a little overcast; but, overall very nice.

Don't know what tomorrow will bring. Fergie is really into "trains" as a hobby and we might go down to his club house tomorrow and check out what he does in some of his spare time. He seems to be busier now then when he was teaching school. Unfortunately unable to meet his wife as she off doing her things at Glacier Nat'l Park. Maybe next time. Think we'll probably leave on Tuesday sometime. Later. W&B

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