Monday, August 16, 2010

Monday Evening........

and it's starting to cool down a bit, still 84 outside; but, will probably open up the doors and get some fresh air in the house when temps equalize.

My physical therapist showed up about 1300, watched me do some leg exercises, added a couple more for me to do, measured my range of motion, asked if I had any questions and when I said "nope"........she left. I think she spent about 15 minutes here and Medicare gets charged $244.00 for the visit. No wonder the government is going broke!

With the addition of some new exercises my knee has really been bugging me........I finally checked my little log book and found that I hadn't had any "drugs" for almost 7 hours. I promptly took care of that little problem. Generally try to pop a pill or two every 4-5 hours and guess I snoozed right through my schedule.

Been watching Fox News on and off all day and looks like hussein stepped on the end of his crank again! They've really been beating him up in the news today........I love it.

Well tomorrow is Old Folks day at the casino so guess I'll see if Becky is willing to drive me out for biscuits and gravy...........not to mention getting our gambling fix.

Later. W&B

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