Sunday, August 22, 2010

Made It Through Sunday...........

and I'm starting to get antsy. Gonna see Doc on Tuesday and maybe then he'll give me the OK to get out and about..........right now I'm supposed to be sticking close to home since I have a physical therapest coming to the house...........of course that hasn't stopped me from making a daily casino run the last 4 or 5 days. Only thing that stops the casino runs is a depleated wallet, although I did manage to leave with some of their money the last couple of trips so I'll be alright for a couple of more runs.

PT ses I'm coming along nicely and that I'm ahead of "normal" recovery schedules. She'll be here tomorrow and Wednesday and then maybe after I see the Doc she'll be able to make up a schedule for me to go out for physical therapy. There's an office about 3/4 mile down the road so if I can get set up with them I'll be in good shape. Not sure what to expect in next phase of PT.

Weather has cooled down the last few days..........we haven't even gotten to 90 for several days so that makes things kinda nice.

That's it for now. W

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