Saturday, January 24, 2009

Time Is Flying Bye When...............

the temperature is in the 70s and you're having fun. It's Saturday already and I'm not sure where the last few days went. Naturally I posted my pictures in the wrong order........oh well, just deal with it.

Thursday we all packed up a lunch and "B", Sue, Frank and I went looking for some Bronco Buster caches. They were located in some hard to reach places, soft sand, a few rocks, levy roads and no roads. Frank and I sporting our new hats..........mine makes me look 10 years younger (or more) but can't say much for Frank. Frank and I were search for caches and Becky and Suz were following us, think they were just taking pictures of whatever showed up, fields, hawks flying around and occasionally they helped us look for some caches. Sometimes a person really needs a wide angle lens.......maybe Santa will bring me one some day. Some BB coordinates were really GPSr ses the cache is here.......look at the next picture, we were sure it was placed in the rocks; but, after you turn over a ton of rocks you finally say to hell with it and move on. This old spider used to be a cache; but, the container apparently got lost. We ended up at the Army Proving Grounds and stopped at the Commissary. It was about 1600 and the Golden Knights were just wrapping up their practice for the day. I managed to get one picture of the last group of parachuters. Think they arrived this week for 6 weeks or so of practice. We'll have to make our annual trip back out there some day.

On Wednesday, Becky and I were heading toward the Mall when we got a call from JJ, there were 8 new caches placed at Wellton, about 30 miles to the East. He was already heading that way on the freeway and we said we'd join him. The "B" Team, we figured, were already on their way so it was to race for the elusive First To Find. I just entered Wellton when JJ called again and said he had caught up with the "B" Team but they wouldn't stop and talk to him. He passed them and drove to the next cache where we finally caught up with him. The "B" Team passed us on the way to the next one, we passed them and while JJ stopped we drove on to the last cache in the series. When it was all over we had score 4 FTFs for us, the "A" Team and the "B" Team, even with a head start, only managed 4 FTFs also. It was fun........always have a good time when racing with the "B" Team. Rest of the pictures are back to our Thursday adventures. Sue was driving in the soft sand and stirring up all kinds of dust and dirt. Again, they were behind us and taking pictures while we were working for caches. We ran into rocks and more rocks and I think we only found one cache in the rocks. This is ridiculous........spend time in big old rock piles looking for a pill bottle! We had lunch somewere underneath a spreading chestnut tree. Good day since we never got stuck in the sand.

Friday was the start of Lettuce Festival in Old Town so "B" and went down there for a little while, pigged out on clam chowder, stopped by to see La84fishn, found a new cache had been published in the Foothills so left to try and find it. We still had laundry to do and it was nearing 1600 so I dropped Becky off with the laundry and drove out to the desert to find the cache. Found it and finished laundry. End of day.

Last night 3 more caches were published so we headed to the Golf Course for breakfast and then hunted them down. One was really sneaky and we couldn't find it.........finally had to use the help line and call the cache owner for a hint. Found it soon after that. Stopped on the way home and visited with friends from Corning who are staying about a block from us. Seems the only time we see them is the winter when we both travel to Yuma. Go figure.

That was about it since last time I updated Blog. Had invite to breakfast tomorrow but think I'll sleep in! Later. W&B

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