Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Finally Got To Do Some Caching..............

with Sue and Frank on Monday. We headed for the Bombing Range as I had placed some caches there and another guy placed 10 or 11 of them so we were going to be cruising the range for several hours. A bunch of the caches were placed near geodetic benchmarks and they extended quite a few miles into the desert. We took two vehicles as you sure wouldn't want to get stranded in some of these areas. Frank did whatever climbing that needed to be done while we encouraged him and snapped pictures. Here he has my Barney's Christmas Cache. It hasn't been found too often so it still has a lot of Christmas trade goodies in it. Here's a picture of the mountain range..........I tried to get it lined up but didn't do a very good job of that. May have to look into getting some software so I can manipulate photos I take.

Look in the first picture here, sorta towards the middle, if you squint a little bit you can almost see the sunshine reflecting off Frank's forehead. The next picture is a telephoto shot of Frank standing on the little peak near the center of photo.

We drove further down and we were all searching for a fairly large cache in the rockpile. La84fishn found it the last time we were here and I couldn't remember exactly where it was. We finally found it. Suzannah sure does pick some interesting places to park her car!! It bad enough to have to drive on these "roads" ............she sure could pick out a little better place to park. We wrapped up the caching and headed back to our place where someone said something about Kentucky friend chicken. Becky and Sue went down to the store and filled up on chicken and fixins. We managed to place quite a dent in a big bucket of the Colonel's chicken. Good end to a nice day where the temperature was in the lower 70s and the sun was shining all day long. Sure miss that snow............enjoy watching the Weather Channel!

Today I had an errand to run so did that and then went out to pick up a new cache that Larry had placed last night. Becky was into watching the inauguration; but, I didn't much have stomach for that so the morning worked out great. Went down to Circuit City looking for some "deals".................hell, their prices are still higher than Wally World.............even though they're advertising big close out sale. Ten percent off barely takes care of sales tax. Made a bit of a donation to my red brothers at the Paradise casino, I think Becky picked up a couple of bucks so our gambling kinda evened out today. That's it for us. Hope everyone stays warm. W&B

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