Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Been Taking It Easy...............

the last two days, sleeping in, enjoying 72 degree weather with plenty of sunshine and we even curtailed our caching for two days. Well almost, yesterday I had to check on one of my caches that two different cachers failed to find. It was an easy one so I figured someone had taken it. We drove down to the levee to check on it and it was still in place right where I put it. Have no idea why they couldn't find it.

Got my coupon in the mail for the little black box that we're supposed to have to capture the local TV signal after February whenever. Went down to Sam's Club to pick one up since Sam's was selling them for $45.00 and the coupon was good for $40.00. Last time I was there they had a whole shelf stocked with the damn things. Yesterday, they were completely sold out. Guess we'll have to check Wally World. We hadn't contributed to our local casinos for while so we drove out to the Cocopah and left an hour later $25.00 lighter in the billfold. We were close to Frank and Sue's RV park so stopped by and shot the breeze with them for awhile and then came on home. Had to use the air conditioner on the way home!!

Today was that dreaded day of the week when we had to take care of our domestic stuff. Getting low on propane and I mentioned this while we are Franks. He bounded out the door and came back with a propane tank that he had stashed away someplace. I filled it up today and hooked up my "extend a stay". It sure is a PIA to have to unhook just to get propane so we're good now until we leave. Cleaned out the M/H today and then off to do laundry. We finally figured out that if we show up about 1600 we could miss the crowd so that worked out pretty good again. Stopped at Fry's for some grub and picked up a couple of New York steaks that were on sale. Fry's meat is only so so; but, the price was right. That's about if or the last couple of days. Later. B&W

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