Monday, January 5, 2009

A So-So Day........Not Cold......Not Hot.........

just about right to be out and about in short-sleeve shirts (of course that's all I have). "B" was organizing some of her geocoins and I was just puttering around with some domestics. Around noon Roadrunner published two new caches about 3 miles away. We decided to make a FTF run for them. We were getting close to the first one and saw a car turn into the desert about 200 yards in front of us..........didn't recognize the car; but, it turned out to be two more friends who also live in the Foothills. We hopped out of the car and surrounded a bunch of hay bales sitting in the desert. Lime Green picked the correct spot to search and came up with the FTF. They had a earlier start then we did and had already picked up the other new cache that was published.....they are only about a mile from it. We left to get two more close by and met other cars making a charge into the desert......too bad, they were going to be 3rd and 4th to find. Old Roadrunner enjoys messing with us Yuma people.........normally he won't publish caches until late at night so we couldn't figure why he put these out in the middle of the day. Anyway, they got a lot of attention from the fair weather people. We ended up hunting down 4 caches today and then cruised through the desert looking for places to hide some more. Didn't place any; but, it's just as well because 11 new caches were published tonight about 2200 in the area where we were cruising this afternoon. No more night hunting for me so we'll try them in the morning. Chances are they'll be found before morning as one of the Foothills cacher gets off work around 2300 at night and if anything comes out nearby they'll go looking for them. Will just have to check them when we wake up and if they haven't been found we may try to get a FTF.

Been a busy, busy year for the geocaching community this winter and we still got a few more months to go. Got breakfast set up for this Sunday and about 46 people have signed up to attend. I'll send out a reminder in the next day or so and we'll probably have a full house by the time Sunday rolls around. Might even wait until the last minute and then make an event out of it.

Nuff for now..........gotta hit the old hay and check 'puter early in the morning. W&B

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