Sunday, January 25, 2009

Started Sunday Off..............

really early today. Woke up, got up and checked the computer. Two new caches had been published last night...........this was my morning to sleep in............thought about it for awhile, they were only about 3 miles away! Finally couldn't stand it so got dressed, grabbed my flashlight and drove off while "B" continued to snooze. Got to the first one and had to walk about 300 yards in soft sand. Still to dark to see anything so I stumbled around with flashlight and can't find anything in the sand except footprints. I figured someone had already been here but continued looking. Finally I spot a scorpion in the's fake and glued to a plastic tube. Checked the log and found that I had a FTF! The next one is about 1/4 mile away so I drive over to it. Located next to a bank and my GPSr arrow is pointing to a tree in the middle of a sprinkler system that's pumping water out at about 500 gpm. Didn't look like the sprinkler was going to quit so I eyeballed everything from a distance and finally I think I spot the cache. Swam out to the tree and sure enough I have the cache in's another FTF. By the time I sign and replace the log I'm soaked from the waist on down. Did I say this one was near a bank? Well I walked around the corner to where I parked and some lady is standing at the ATM machine. She stares me down, my front is thoroughly soaked, and I walk on by. She's probably wondering what the hell I was doing around the corner! I just nod to her and say "when you gotta go, you gotta go". Climb in the car and drive off.

This afternoon we drove out to the desert to place a cache I had been working on. On the way back we're approaching the place where we buy salt-free drinking water. I'm in the left lane and start to ease into the right lane to make a turn. A truck is behind me and I couldn't see it until it's right along side of me. I swerve back to the left and stop, the lady in the truck slams on her brakes and stops in front and to my right. I didn't feel anything so figure we didn't bend anything. She just sits there, I thought she would pull into the parking area where the water dispensers are.........I finally drive up alongside side her and ask her if we had made contact. She says Yes, we hit!! I tell her OK and drive up the road and pull off to another parking area. She hops out of her truck and starts eyeballing the left side................I look it over and can't see anyplace where we may have touched. She continues to insist that we had "hit". I said OK and hand her my driver's license. She's writing down info so I grab the camera and take about 10 pictures of her truck..........not a mark on it and no marks on the Suzuki. After I take pictures she comes to the conclusion that there are no marks on her truck so we go our separate ways. Good thing Becky had her camera with her.

End of excitement for the day. Always carry a camera with you. Later W&B

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