Friday, January 30, 2009

Guess I'd Better Update............

can't even remember what we've done this week ???? Seems to me that we had a great dinner with Sue and Frank on Tuesday. They have a nice smoker so put on a big old turkey to give it a try..........turned out delicious!! My first sit down meal in months! I think we snuck in a laundry day some time this week.......just can't remember when that domestic stuff occurs. Been working off and on with February Event stuff...........I don't remember how it happened; but, I'm trying to sell the coins we had minted for the Event. Doing so so and hoping we'll have a lot of sales on Event day. Been trying to grab a cache or two when they are published..........these old farts around here have been placing them too fast for us to keep up! Think we're losing ground in that endeavor. We went back to the Bombing Range today with three other vehicles. La84fishn was taking a small group down to the range so we tagged along as there were some caches we wanted to visit. I think we picked up two new ones we hadn't found. Our travels took us about 30 miles in the desert to the Mexican border where we found a humongous fence. It was a heavy duty sucker and built to prevent vehicle traffic from crossing the border. Foot traffic can still get around and under the fence; but, if illegals cross then they still have the 30 miles of desert to cross. Even in the cooler weather I sure wouldn't want to attempt that. Nice scenery on the way to the border and when we got there Larry and I decided that this was an excellent place to put a cache. So we did.

These pictures are when we started out with the group. Cactus and desert along the way. We stopped at a previous cache we had found, a plane crash that occurred some years ago. We visited areas that we hadn't seen before and crossed through the Ciprano Pass. Found the remains of a helicopter crash and generally enjoyed the scenery throughout the area. The wind picked up a bit; but, everyone surely enjoyed the ride.

Enjoy the pics.

When we got home we found out that a new cache had been published by friends of our, Bronco the name doesn't have anything to do with horses. The BBs do their off-road caching in a Bronco and are continually breaking their Bronco.......hence the name. They had placed a cache in Yuma titled "IHO Wayne43". The cache pays tribute to my Naval service. A totally unexpected; but, humbling tribute. Thank You Bronco Busters!

Check out this link to see the cache that was published.

What a great winter, Jeep'en Jumpers placed a special cache when my birthday rolled around in November and that was another unexpected event. You can view that cache at this link:

That's all for now folks. Later. W&B

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Started Sunday Off..............

really early today. Woke up, got up and checked the computer. Two new caches had been published last night...........this was my morning to sleep in............thought about it for awhile, they were only about 3 miles away! Finally couldn't stand it so got dressed, grabbed my flashlight and drove off while "B" continued to snooze. Got to the first one and had to walk about 300 yards in soft sand. Still to dark to see anything so I stumbled around with flashlight and can't find anything in the sand except footprints. I figured someone had already been here but continued looking. Finally I spot a scorpion in the's fake and glued to a plastic tube. Checked the log and found that I had a FTF! The next one is about 1/4 mile away so I drive over to it. Located next to a bank and my GPSr arrow is pointing to a tree in the middle of a sprinkler system that's pumping water out at about 500 gpm. Didn't look like the sprinkler was going to quit so I eyeballed everything from a distance and finally I think I spot the cache. Swam out to the tree and sure enough I have the cache in's another FTF. By the time I sign and replace the log I'm soaked from the waist on down. Did I say this one was near a bank? Well I walked around the corner to where I parked and some lady is standing at the ATM machine. She stares me down, my front is thoroughly soaked, and I walk on by. She's probably wondering what the hell I was doing around the corner! I just nod to her and say "when you gotta go, you gotta go". Climb in the car and drive off.

This afternoon we drove out to the desert to place a cache I had been working on. On the way back we're approaching the place where we buy salt-free drinking water. I'm in the left lane and start to ease into the right lane to make a turn. A truck is behind me and I couldn't see it until it's right along side of me. I swerve back to the left and stop, the lady in the truck slams on her brakes and stops in front and to my right. I didn't feel anything so figure we didn't bend anything. She just sits there, I thought she would pull into the parking area where the water dispensers are.........I finally drive up alongside side her and ask her if we had made contact. She says Yes, we hit!! I tell her OK and drive up the road and pull off to another parking area. She hops out of her truck and starts eyeballing the left side................I look it over and can't see anyplace where we may have touched. She continues to insist that we had "hit". I said OK and hand her my driver's license. She's writing down info so I grab the camera and take about 10 pictures of her truck..........not a mark on it and no marks on the Suzuki. After I take pictures she comes to the conclusion that there are no marks on her truck so we go our separate ways. Good thing Becky had her camera with her.

End of excitement for the day. Always carry a camera with you. Later W&B

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Time Is Flying Bye When...............

the temperature is in the 70s and you're having fun. It's Saturday already and I'm not sure where the last few days went. Naturally I posted my pictures in the wrong order........oh well, just deal with it.

Thursday we all packed up a lunch and "B", Sue, Frank and I went looking for some Bronco Buster caches. They were located in some hard to reach places, soft sand, a few rocks, levy roads and no roads. Frank and I sporting our new hats..........mine makes me look 10 years younger (or more) but can't say much for Frank. Frank and I were search for caches and Becky and Suz were following us, think they were just taking pictures of whatever showed up, fields, hawks flying around and occasionally they helped us look for some caches. Sometimes a person really needs a wide angle lens.......maybe Santa will bring me one some day. Some BB coordinates were really GPSr ses the cache is here.......look at the next picture, we were sure it was placed in the rocks; but, after you turn over a ton of rocks you finally say to hell with it and move on. This old spider used to be a cache; but, the container apparently got lost. We ended up at the Army Proving Grounds and stopped at the Commissary. It was about 1600 and the Golden Knights were just wrapping up their practice for the day. I managed to get one picture of the last group of parachuters. Think they arrived this week for 6 weeks or so of practice. We'll have to make our annual trip back out there some day.

On Wednesday, Becky and I were heading toward the Mall when we got a call from JJ, there were 8 new caches placed at Wellton, about 30 miles to the East. He was already heading that way on the freeway and we said we'd join him. The "B" Team, we figured, were already on their way so it was to race for the elusive First To Find. I just entered Wellton when JJ called again and said he had caught up with the "B" Team but they wouldn't stop and talk to him. He passed them and drove to the next cache where we finally caught up with him. The "B" Team passed us on the way to the next one, we passed them and while JJ stopped we drove on to the last cache in the series. When it was all over we had score 4 FTFs for us, the "A" Team and the "B" Team, even with a head start, only managed 4 FTFs also. It was fun........always have a good time when racing with the "B" Team. Rest of the pictures are back to our Thursday adventures. Sue was driving in the soft sand and stirring up all kinds of dust and dirt. Again, they were behind us and taking pictures while we were working for caches. We ran into rocks and more rocks and I think we only found one cache in the rocks. This is ridiculous........spend time in big old rock piles looking for a pill bottle! We had lunch somewere underneath a spreading chestnut tree. Good day since we never got stuck in the sand.

Friday was the start of Lettuce Festival in Old Town so "B" and went down there for a little while, pigged out on clam chowder, stopped by to see La84fishn, found a new cache had been published in the Foothills so left to try and find it. We still had laundry to do and it was nearing 1600 so I dropped Becky off with the laundry and drove out to the desert to find the cache. Found it and finished laundry. End of day.

Last night 3 more caches were published so we headed to the Golf Course for breakfast and then hunted them down. One was really sneaky and we couldn't find it.........finally had to use the help line and call the cache owner for a hint. Found it soon after that. Stopped on the way home and visited with friends from Corning who are staying about a block from us. Seems the only time we see them is the winter when we both travel to Yuma. Go figure.

That was about it since last time I updated Blog. Had invite to breakfast tomorrow but think I'll sleep in! Later. W&B

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Finally Got To Do Some Caching..............

with Sue and Frank on Monday. We headed for the Bombing Range as I had placed some caches there and another guy placed 10 or 11 of them so we were going to be cruising the range for several hours. A bunch of the caches were placed near geodetic benchmarks and they extended quite a few miles into the desert. We took two vehicles as you sure wouldn't want to get stranded in some of these areas. Frank did whatever climbing that needed to be done while we encouraged him and snapped pictures. Here he has my Barney's Christmas Cache. It hasn't been found too often so it still has a lot of Christmas trade goodies in it. Here's a picture of the mountain range..........I tried to get it lined up but didn't do a very good job of that. May have to look into getting some software so I can manipulate photos I take.

Look in the first picture here, sorta towards the middle, if you squint a little bit you can almost see the sunshine reflecting off Frank's forehead. The next picture is a telephoto shot of Frank standing on the little peak near the center of photo.

We drove further down and we were all searching for a fairly large cache in the rockpile. La84fishn found it the last time we were here and I couldn't remember exactly where it was. We finally found it. Suzannah sure does pick some interesting places to park her car!! It bad enough to have to drive on these "roads" ............she sure could pick out a little better place to park. We wrapped up the caching and headed back to our place where someone said something about Kentucky friend chicken. Becky and Sue went down to the store and filled up on chicken and fixins. We managed to place quite a dent in a big bucket of the Colonel's chicken. Good end to a nice day where the temperature was in the lower 70s and the sun was shining all day long. Sure miss that snow............enjoy watching the Weather Channel!

Today I had an errand to run so did that and then went out to pick up a new cache that Larry had placed last night. Becky was into watching the inauguration; but, I didn't much have stomach for that so the morning worked out great. Went down to Circuit City looking for some "deals".................hell, their prices are still higher than Wally World.............even though they're advertising big close out sale. Ten percent off barely takes care of sales tax. Made a bit of a donation to my red brothers at the Paradise casino, I think Becky picked up a couple of bucks so our gambling kinda evened out today. That's it for us. Hope everyone stays warm. W&B

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Guess I'd Better Get Something Posted.............

least I lose my millions of readers. Last couple of days I've been doing some paperwork........which is kinda hard to do if you don't have all information needed available. Oh well, did the best I could. Sticking close to home except for an occasional run to the grocery store. Yesterday we went on base and I found the converter box which will be needed in February. Had my coupon so went ahead and purchased one. Will need it if I'm too lazy to set up satellite dish and need to get TV from the antenna. It'll probably just sit and collect dust; but, at least I got it if I ever need it. Got some groceries and on the way home we stopped at the Fairgrounds. Every year the local 4-H clubs sponsor a barbque beef dinner and yesterday was the day. We stopped and picked up three dinners, $6.00 each, that included the beef, cole slaw, baked beans and a roll. Wasn't crazy about the salsa they included but since we brought them home I was able to spice up my beef with sauce. It was a decent dinner and we helped the kids out. Last night a geocache was placed at Ligurta Station, our old breakfast place. We finally headed that way around 0900, found the cache and we were the second ones to arrive. Went in for breakfast and sat with Sparky and Livewire, who were the first ones to find the cache. It was their first ever FTF so they enjoyed that. Livewire said she took a look at the restaurant (1st picture) and was hesitant to go in. She said a lot of people were going in so they decided to give it a try. I had my usual breakfast; but, right now I'm leaning toward the golf course as my favorite breakfast spot. Food is good there and even cheaper, not to mention it's closer. Another friend, Wingnut, placed some new caches last weekend and we still hadn't gone out to find them so we made a little detour on the way home. These caches were within 3 1/2 miles but we had to do a little ridge running to get to them. Well, I'll take that back, you didn't HAVE to run the ridges; but, I took a wrong route and ended up way back in the hills before I could make my way back. Not too many places to turn around up there once you get on the trail. Think we found 6 caches today so that was enough and we came on home. At least we got some nice views of the Foothills.
Later if anything interesting happens this week. W&B

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Been Taking It Easy...............

the last two days, sleeping in, enjoying 72 degree weather with plenty of sunshine and we even curtailed our caching for two days. Well almost, yesterday I had to check on one of my caches that two different cachers failed to find. It was an easy one so I figured someone had taken it. We drove down to the levee to check on it and it was still in place right where I put it. Have no idea why they couldn't find it.

Got my coupon in the mail for the little black box that we're supposed to have to capture the local TV signal after February whenever. Went down to Sam's Club to pick one up since Sam's was selling them for $45.00 and the coupon was good for $40.00. Last time I was there they had a whole shelf stocked with the damn things. Yesterday, they were completely sold out. Guess we'll have to check Wally World. We hadn't contributed to our local casinos for while so we drove out to the Cocopah and left an hour later $25.00 lighter in the billfold. We were close to Frank and Sue's RV park so stopped by and shot the breeze with them for awhile and then came on home. Had to use the air conditioner on the way home!!

Today was that dreaded day of the week when we had to take care of our domestic stuff. Getting low on propane and I mentioned this while we are Franks. He bounded out the door and came back with a propane tank that he had stashed away someplace. I filled it up today and hooked up my "extend a stay". It sure is a PIA to have to unhook just to get propane so we're good now until we leave. Cleaned out the M/H today and then off to do laundry. We finally figured out that if we show up about 1600 we could miss the crowd so that worked out pretty good again. Stopped at Fry's for some grub and picked up a couple of New York steaks that were on sale. Fry's meat is only so so; but, the price was right. That's about if or the last couple of days. Later. B&W

Monday, January 12, 2009

Time Flies.......It's Already Monday............

and I'm not sure where the weekend went. Friday, we cleaned up about 14 caches on our "to do" list and then headed for Lutes for our weekly dose of clam chowder. Got a bonus this Friday as they were have some kind of Jubilee in Old Town. A bunch of Arts and Crafts......fortunately all I spent my hard-earned cash on was the clam chowder......oops I take that back, I did buy a couple of items at one of the booths. Will have to "model" it at another time for a picture. Saturday more caches were published and one of them was about 30 miles up the road on a Wildlife Area and past the U.S. Army Proving Grounds. We stopped, had breakfast before we left for this one and if Becky hadn't been whining so long and loud for breakfast we could have had a FTF on this one as the jimlinmon team and La84fishn had just arrived on the scene when we got there. Oh, well, snooze you lose, or in this case stop for breakfast and have the same results. From just about every place in Yuma a person can look toward the North and see this white observation balloon flying when the weather permits. I guess it's an aide in detecting various illegal operations in the area. Anyway, I got a very good close up of the balloon.......they were probably taking pictures of us when I was photographing them. Another famous landmark that can been seen for miles is Castle Dome........maybe it was named as such from its peculiar shape. There's a cache on top of it. There's also a replica of Castle Dome, the city that existed when mining for various minerals, gold, silver, was in its heyday. It costs $5.00 to visit the museum but I can't complain because it was quite interesting. We drove past the museum and tried to get closer to Castle Dome in the event we wanted to hike to the top. Now these roads are rough, rocky, and in some areas they get downright close to even drive a car through. Imagine our surprise when we meet this great big old Mercedes Off Road vehicle coming toward us. We stopped to let him pass and he stopped and shot the breeze for a little while before we moved one. Can't remember the name of the rig but the driver said it weighs 8 tons. It had articulated suspension and looked like it go travel almost anywhere. He said he driven in from the North, probably the Quartzsite area, and found some areas where the brush was so thick that he had to stop and chain-saw an opening to drive his truck through. We got closer to Castle Dome and then decided we probably needed some more time in the day to make a climb to the top. We'll leave that for another day. We headed back to the museum to take in the sights. The first stop was "Al's" cabin. A replica of a miner cabin with Al relaxing on his Beauty Rest mattress. Becky sat down beside him and that's when I first discovered that Becky has a "toe fettish"!! Surprise, surprise.........and you think you know a person???

We browsed the town and took pictures here and there. These are the ones I took so don't know what Becky will be putting on her Blog......if she every gets around to updating it. I kinda thought this old school house was interesting, they even had bits and pieces of desks like the kind I used when I was in first grade. Someone's thoughts about the rain/desert were on the wall and I kinda enjoyed the writing. They had a barber shop, complete with pole in the front. The barber chair looked rather uncomfortable to me. It must have been a local "hang out" as they had a checker board all set up for use by the local "color" folks. I should have set it up correctly.........would have provided a bit more authenticity to the setting. Can you see what the problem is with the way the board is set up?

Outside the entrance to an small room was a sign that invited all veterans to place their name on the walls of the room. It said for Veterans and not for kid graffitti. Anyway, I had to make my mark for posterity. They had the remains of a 50s filling station, the gas pump indicated a charge of 17.9 cents per gallon. If you can remember seeing some of these old kerosene burning lamps alongside the road many years ago, then you're probably getting along in years too! The little town sported a number of bars and this was one of the nicer ones. In the restaurant, which also had a small bar, I found a poster advertising one of the movies I starred in back in the fifties. I had almost completely forgotten about the movie "Cross Channel" staring yours truly. Actually, it was a movie that should be forgotten. Took a lot more pictures while we were here; but, that was several days ago and I can't place any information along with the pictures I took. On the way back home we continued caching and I think we ended up grabbing 11 of them. One of them put me over the 1700 mark so we called it a day.

Sunday was our geocacher's breakfast and 62 geonuts showed up for breakfast. If this continues we'll have to find a bigger place. After breakfast, what do we do, why go caching of course. Some new caches were published while we were having breakfast, one was placed outside the restaurant with permission. Blackberrys were going off and JJ checked his and headed out the door. On the way, Wingnut, who placed the cache, handed it to him so then all attendees got to sign the log. Easiest cache we every found. After breakfast, we went looking for the new ones with JJ, Char and their grandaughter, Taylor. We picked up Limegreen on the first one so we spent the morning hunting them down. We managed 3 FTFs out of the new ones. Some more came out later but after bouncing around the desert all morning we called it quits. Limegreen went home, downloaded the new ones and went out and got 6 FTFs. Later in the afternoon Becky scored another FTF on one that had incorrect coordinates and had to moved. I was in bed by 2230 last night and I don't think I moved a muscle until 0830 this morning. Getting up early is sure tough on an old guy!

Been doing paperwork this morning and little else. About 1500 the computer ses........."hey there, someone just published a new cache". I say "Oh crap", Becky ses "Let's Go". Fortunately it was only 2.31 miles away, as the crow flies and our friends Limegreen and Hummer2 had placed one by their driveway. Six people were already there when we arrived. It was a duplicate of one they had placed on their RV lot last year so they just moved it. It was still fair game for another find though.

Later. W&B

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Thursday And Of Course Some..........

caches were published this morning. In our area; but, a quick check of the map told me we couldn't get there first. Of course, it wasn't helping that Becky was yapping on the phone and it took us an additional 23 minutes before we could leave to hunt them down. As a result we managed to get to them as "also rans". Oh well, FTF is just a number and with it and $2.25 you can buy a cup of coffee........or maybe a glass of ice tea.

The first two pictures were taken the other day when we were looking for a FTF and were beat to the cache by Lime Green and Hummer 2 (Leon and Bobbi). Today we were whupped by Sly B. Bro and Rosefaery riding in style in Pegasus. Now, that probably doesn't make much sense to any non-cacher; but, for us idiots who do this in the name of fun, it does.

A nice little cache was planted by one of the wives and it's her "Rock Garden". They're full-timers so don't stick in one place long enough to have a real garden so guess this will do. This morning we found one hanging in a tree, 4th pic, can you see it? From there to the desert to see if we could capture #1,700 for Becky. Found this old container in the desert and coordinates took us right to it........I didn't feel much like reaching in and feeling around so Becky took a picture through an opening. It didn't reveal much. Fortunately the cache was stuck into the sand near the opening so we managed a find without disturbing any critters that may have been lurking in the container. We met a few other cachers on the trail and there were three vehicles up ahead when we pulled up. We had met two of them before, at least I guess we did 'cause one of the guys said "Hi Wayne" when I got out of the car, I recognize faces but can't place names with them. They were taking a little time out and having lunch. This turned out to be Becky's #1,700 so we all watched her hunt for it. Pressure was on but she found it quickly and posed for photos. We shot the breeze and then moved on in our separate directions.

Action over for the day and I think we found 15 caches. I still need 9 or 10 more to reach 1,700. Later. W&B

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wednesday Came And Almost Gone...........

and we did NOTHING today. Yesterday was our domestic day and we picked up some grub at the commissary, lost a few bucks at the casino and then came home and did the laundry. At least we found the right time to hit the laundramat.........about 20 minutes before the "last load" is allowed to be washed. Everyone was gone and we had the whole place to ourselves.......only the workers were left and they were hoping we'd hurry up so they could go home too.

Frank and Suz stopped by for a little while today..........they had arrived in Yuma on Monday and Sue was feeling a little under the weather so they took it easy yesterday; but, were out and about today. Probably gonna get some caching time under our belts in the next few days............I've been saving all the difficult ones for Frank's arrival............hopefully, he can still run up the sides of the mountains with the Mountain Goats so we can get the tough ones off our list.

After they left Becky continued working on her geocoins and I had some paper work to do on the up coming breakfast and February event so managed to get most of that stuff cleaned up. We'll be ready to hit the desert tomorrow or Friday. I think there's a 3 day festival..........Arts and Craft Jubilee, in Old Town this weekend so we'll probably take that in. Weather starting to cooperate a almost hit 70 today, local TV station said it only got to 69 but it sure felt warmer. Very little wind today.

More later. W&B

Monday, January 5, 2009

A So-So Day........Not Cold......Not Hot.........

just about right to be out and about in short-sleeve shirts (of course that's all I have). "B" was organizing some of her geocoins and I was just puttering around with some domestics. Around noon Roadrunner published two new caches about 3 miles away. We decided to make a FTF run for them. We were getting close to the first one and saw a car turn into the desert about 200 yards in front of us..........didn't recognize the car; but, it turned out to be two more friends who also live in the Foothills. We hopped out of the car and surrounded a bunch of hay bales sitting in the desert. Lime Green picked the correct spot to search and came up with the FTF. They had a earlier start then we did and had already picked up the other new cache that was published.....they are only about a mile from it. We left to get two more close by and met other cars making a charge into the desert......too bad, they were going to be 3rd and 4th to find. Old Roadrunner enjoys messing with us Yuma people.........normally he won't publish caches until late at night so we couldn't figure why he put these out in the middle of the day. Anyway, they got a lot of attention from the fair weather people. We ended up hunting down 4 caches today and then cruised through the desert looking for places to hide some more. Didn't place any; but, it's just as well because 11 new caches were published tonight about 2200 in the area where we were cruising this afternoon. No more night hunting for me so we'll try them in the morning. Chances are they'll be found before morning as one of the Foothills cacher gets off work around 2300 at night and if anything comes out nearby they'll go looking for them. Will just have to check them when we wake up and if they haven't been found we may try to get a FTF.

Been a busy, busy year for the geocaching community this winter and we still got a few more months to go. Got breakfast set up for this Sunday and about 46 people have signed up to attend. I'll send out a reminder in the next day or so and we'll probably have a full house by the time Sunday rolls around. Might even wait until the last minute and then make an event out of it.

Nuff for now..........gotta hit the old hay and check 'puter early in the morning. W&B

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Crummy Weather Today..........So........

we haven't ventured out at all. Wind blowing and I don't think it's gotten above 66 all day long!!! Bummer.
Just realized that I haven't updated for awhile.........usually I get a reminder from F.O. but guess he's busy this week. We managed to start off the New Year with an attempt at FTF for a couple of caches a few miles away. They were kinda sneaky, found one in a pod still attached to a tree. Our friend, Buzzcut, had already found it about an hour before we go there.....and we were there at 0730. Both were in his neighborhood so we figured he had already found the other one too. We turned a corner and met Buzzcut hoofing it toward home. He had just made the second find and had spent a loooong time looking for it and didn't need his flashlight as daylight finally arrived. He went back and watched us hunt for it, gave Becky a hint and she found the cache. It was a walnut shell housing the cache and tied to the pine tree. They are starting to get really nasty with some of the new hides. Didn't do much the rest of the day; but, Friday had us on the hunt again. Fourteen new caches had been published Thursday night so we left to try and find them. We stopped first and spent a long time looking around a wall for a nano cache. Even with a hint we still had difficulty, pic. #4. It was shoved into a crack in the mortar and recovered with more mortar. The new series were pretty straight forward..........most of the containers were buried in the sand and had a fake pile of dog poop glued on top. The one in the middle was a little was magnetic and attached to an electric meter pole. We finished up the series of 14 caches in time to make a beeline for Lute's casino. We have been trying to get down there early enough the last 3 weeks to try our their clam chowder. This Friday we made before 1300 and sampled their chowder........not bad for a land locked area but the Oregon coast still has the best. Stopped at Sam's Club where Becky had some new glasses made.........they still weren't right so Sam's Club refunded her money and guess she'll wait until we get back to California to try again. Picked up a few groceries there and headed for the barn.
Saturday was another super day.........sun shining and temps in lower 70s. I washed the car and slipped on the new spare tire cover that Rhonda and Steve sent to us. Then in the afternoon another cache was published about 20 miles east of us. Becky was going into withdrawals since she hadn't scored a FTF for the new year yet......although we had tried. We arrived at a big old date tree along side the road and we managed to get our 69th FTF. She was happy then. We grabbed three more caches on the way home that had eluded us a few days ago; but, there's one still out there that we still couldn't find. Had to cross the mighty Gila river and drive through some running water so there goes the car wash...........all muddy again.
Hopefully, it'll start to warm back up to start the new week. More later. W&B