Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thursday.....And We Made It To.....

the beach at Lawson's Landing, Dillon Beach, CA. Got our spot staked out, dishes set up so we hoped in the Suzuki to go exploring. Pictures kinda out of order.....we drove up on top of the hill at Dillon Beach, took a few pictures of the campsite, also there were a million deer running around the housing area on the hill. We had some caches entered in the old GPSr so we started off looking for some.......had some problems with only the location and no other cache info. Only found two today. Our travels took us to Bodega Bay, where the old Hitchcock movie The Birds was filmed. Picture 1 is Bodega Bay from the area of a virtual cache called "Hole In The Head"'s Becky looking at the marker for Hole in the Head and the next pic is the "Hole". The hole is 90 feet across and 120 feet deep. It was a hole dug back in the time when nuclear power plants were being built. They only got a far as digging the hole on this one as public opinion and close proximity to the San Andres Fault created its demise before it was ever built. The hole remains as it is constantly being filled with runoff water. Last picture is of the school house in the film, it was located in Bodega.......a little town about six miles from Bodega Bay. The house was purchased by a family, they restored it and are now living in the restored school house. They operate a little gift shop but it was closed when we were eyeballing the former school.
We found some evidence left from the film The bird sitting on a post and some sea gulls were protecting our roped off area when we returned to camp.
The jackrabbit picture was taken at the RV Family Camp on Travis Airforce Base where we stayed Wednesday. There were 3 or 4 jackrabbits running around the RV park.
Rest of the group arrives tomorrow sometime, probably kinda late. Apparently there are only two more rigs coming so we'll have lots of room.
Later, W&B

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