Friday, August 15, 2008

Friday Afternoon..............

and we sitting in the Valley of the Rogue State Park near Grants Pass, Oregon. Left Vancouver on Wednesday and stopped here Wednesday afternoon. We found a site that was available until Saturday so here we be. Yesterday we drove over to Crater Lake National Park, found a few virtual/earth caches, drove around the rim and took a ton of pictures. Stopped by the "famous" House of Mystery near Gold Hill on the way home. Just about didn't go in when I found it was going to cost $18.00 for us........whined about an "old folks" discount so the lady let us in for $16.00. It was interesting..........and that's about all I can say about it. Got some pictures there too. Today we drove into Grants Pass since Becky needed about 14 or so caches to reach 1400. I think we ended up finding 15 or 16.

Leaving here tomorrow morning and should be in Corning tomorrow afternoon. It was HOT today.........temperatures exceeded the norm of 72 degrees; but, only by a wee bit..........I think it may have gotten as high as 78 today in Grants Pass.

Would post some pictures; but, that will have to wait until we get home. I didn't set up the satellite dish since WiFi was available in the park for $7.99 for a week. Boy, that was a joke.......the first evening it took me about 4 hours just to get on line to check email. Yesterday and today the service has gotten a little better; but, it's too frustrating to try and upload photos. If you ever get to this area...........beware of "Road Connect", a commercial outfit that has wifi at several Oregon state parks and various rest areas. Maybe it OK in other areas; but, where I'm parked it absolutely sucks!

Nuff for now. Later. Becky and Wayne

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