Sunday, August 17, 2008

Last Thursday Trip To Crater Lake...........

We entered through the west entrance and our first stop showed that a virtual cache was a short distance from the information center. We trudged down the trail and found The Lady of the Woods. Interesting sculpture carved from a large rock. No other information regarding who, how, when, where, etc. etc. it got there. I checked it out and we ambled down the road so Becky could get her first view of Crater Lake.

At our first stop Becky was getting pictures of her Travel Bug Walking Stick, Frankinbear, while I was inside the hotel looking for information we needed to log another geocache as found. I found the needed info and finally found Becky chatting with a family who was thrilled with her walking stick. We got a snack at snack bar..........WOW........$7.50 for a wilted, crushed turkey sandwich. Oh well, neither of us had the foresight to pack a lunch. After lunch we continued looked for more caches and proceeded around the rim.

We stopped to view Wizard Island and I placed my three geocoins on a sign and took a picture so I can add it to the log entries of places where the coins have been. A UFO flew overhead when I took one of the hovered for a few seconds and then it sped away at the speed of light........or maybe even faster as no one else saw it but me. Fortunately I have photo evidence of its existence.

We made a little side trip from the rim to log another cache and to take in the Pumice Desert. It looks real neat as you view the desert from the rim............just a great big, barren spot with little vegetation growning. Apparently was caused from an eruption of the volcano and this area was saturated with soil that have very few nutrients so plant life just doesn't grow there. Apparently the local varmits haven't deposited enough fertilizer to offset the sparse nutrients. Further around the rim we spotted another virtual cache called Pumice Castle. This was an unusually colored rock formation sticking out from the side of the cliff.

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