Sunday, August 17, 2008

Stopped at The House of Mystery, Gold Hill, OR.......

to check it out. The guide told us to ask any questions that we might have.........and then she stated that many of her answers would be "we don't know". So with that in mind we started our tour with a very small group of people as they were getting ready to close for the day. The House of Mystery was an old shack built on the side of a hill and it had collapsed creating all kinds of optical illusions. The guide tried to tell us that what we were seeing was created by the fact that we were standing inside a small area called the Oregon Vortex. Things just didn't appear to be as they really were. Inside the house itself she had various demonstrations that appear to have no explanation. I thought it was kinda neat when she stood a broom up in the middle of the just stayed in place until it finally fell over from weight shifting and movement of us gullibles who paid good money to see this magnificant Wonder of the World.............or at least Oregon (actually the broom was no BFD----had Becky brought her own broom she could have buzzed around the room with it). Outside one of the windows they had a ramp that appears to be slanted away from the window. You could push a golfball "down" the ramp and it would roll back toward you giving the illusion of traveling uphill. ????? Yep, the pictures were shoot in rapid sequence when the golfball reached the "bottom" of the ramp.

One of the interesting illusions required two people to stand on a level platform facing each other. They would then switch places and it would appear that an individual was always taller on one end of the platform. Here are pictures I took of Becky and the Guide. I never moved from my position as they changed places. See any difference in the height of the two subjects??

Whoops...........must have downloaded this collage twice. Oh well, you can look at it again.

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