Thursday, August 7, 2008

County Fair Day And Cassidy Was.......................

showing her cow, Angel, from last year and a new heifer, Bailey. It's not all fun and games as you gotta work too, Trace and Cassidy on "Poop Patrol". Getting last minute instructions from everyone before entering the ring. How do you keep all this info straight??? Cass showed Bailey first and received the Junior Champion ribbon for showmanship and Baily received the ribbon for Junior Champion, plus a couple of blue ribbons.

After showing Baily it was "corn on the cob" time again then some exercise on a rubber band thingy. Trace bounced around too, as did Mira, Doug's co-worker.

No Pig Races this year, they were replaced by the "Duck Races" These ducks were imported all the way from New Mexico and the duck's Trainer/Owner was named "Duck".......and that was No Bull! On the way back to the dairy barn Becky and I stopped to observe some goat competition. Apparently this is what happens when you prep your goat with Viagra! The others goats must have used a different dosage as you can see the various results. Bouncing on a rubber band thingy, hauling poop, and wrestling with a cow kinda takes its toll on the competitors. Cassidy took a short rest before she showed Angel.

Here's a close-up of the Junior Champion, Bailey. Poor old Angel was initially placed in the first spot for her class but the judge thought things over when he had them lined up and changed his mind so Angel ended up in third place. Last year Angel was the Junior Champion..........see what a year does when you don't take care of yourself...............also Angel was pregnant at this showing. Baily ended up in third place for the overall grand champion ribbon. The cow in picture six was named the overall champion.

Here's a couple of pictures of Cassidy and Bailey's ribbons and the Blue Ribbon captured by Angel.

It was starting to be a rather long day so Becky and I headed home.

We may go back later this evening to pig out again on the fair food and take in the motorcycle races which will be held about 1930 tonight. They are always pretty good and the weather has been great...............original forecast was near 90 but clouds rolled in and has kept the temps down to the upper 70s.

All for now.................W&B

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