Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wednesday................And Another Beautiful Day.......

on the Oregon Coast! Yesterday it got a little wet and rained off and on but the sun poked its way past the clouds and all we had today was sunshine and a temperature of 72 degrees! Posting a couple of pictures.......... first one is where we're staying at Devil's Lake State Park in Lincoln City. Today we drove down to Depoe Bay, Oregon to take in the sunshine and ocean views! First stop was at Boiler Bay where we hoped to get a glimpse of a stray whale or such luck here. Took a few pictures and I fired up the GPSr and lo and behold.....a geocache was hidden about 300 feet away! Becky found that one and then we headed to Depoe Bay where a few more caches were hidden. We had started out to find some clam chowder and then got sidetracks with caching and taking pictures. We found a virtual cache near the seawall and got a bonus also..........there were two whales playing around a few hundred yards off shore. The number six picture is the only one where we were able to get a picture of the whales.............actually all you can see (if you use your imagination a little bit) is the water spout. They would surface, blow and dive back down again so it was difficult trying to get a picture of their backs as they surfaced. We watch them for some time and then continued caching. I think we found 8 of them today. Number 7 picture is of the actual bay at Depoe Bay..............this is what I found on the internet about Depoe Bay:
"Depoe Bay has the smallest natural navigable harbor in the world consisting of six square acres. Because of the proximity to the ocean, fishermen or whale watchers can be from dockside to viewing or fishing in a matter of minutes."
We were too cheap to take a boat out to do more whale watching and fishing really isn't our bag so passed on the boat ride.
One more day at Lincoln City and then we'll make the 30 mile or so run back to Sand Lake for our last weekend in the sand.
Had to take a picture of this "skateboard park" in Depoe Bay............wonder if Trace would like to give it a go???
More later if anything happens. W&B

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