Friday, July 25, 2008


we've spent a "zillion" dollars on gas this last week. Speed run to Corning and Becky had her return appointment with the surgeon. Everything good so the doc scheduled her for another CT scan in October. Guess these will be periodic checks for a while to monitor everything.

We got back to Vancouver yesterday afternoon and this morning we loaded up the Rhino and Trace and now we're back at Sand Lake for more fun in the sand. Dug, Tami and Cassidy just showed up about half an hour ago and they out in the sand dunes. Doug's friends were supposed to be here by now but they are having car trouble in Newburg, OR so he's trying to call them on his cell phone. No cell phone service here unless you're at the right spot out in the sand dunes.

Nice day today.........sunny and I think the temp hit the low 70s. It's cooling down fast though and will probably get chilly tonight.

I spent some $$$s on a new exhaust system for the Rhino............mainly to quiet it down some 'cause I was flirting with getting a ticket for excessive noise. New system is quiter but I also lost about 3 mph on the top end. Bummer!

We're going to be here:
until Monday. Then back to Vancouver for a couple of days then we're coming back down for our last weekend in the sand. The following week is county fair week so Cassidy will be showing a cow and a calf with her 4H Club and Becky and Trace will probably be riding all the rides. I'll just take pictures and watch.

Later, W&B

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