Tuesday, July 8, 2008


we did a little caching yesterday, I think we found seven. The troops called us when they were about 25 miles away so back to the dunes we went to arrive shortly after they did. We found some caches tucked away in the brambles and you can see the results of my encounter with them. Becky and Cassidy started counting fire plugs when they noticed that they received some artistic touchs. We found the last cache in a park, Becky is holding it, and the guys who painted the fire plugs were hard at work painting another one. We wanted to talk to them but they finished up their artwork before we found the cache.........there's probably a story behind the painted fireplugs but guess that'll just have to wait for another day. The troops got everything unloaded and rigs parked, they went for a short ride and Becky and I went down town for some dinner and entertainment at the casino. Weather still sunny but wind is still blowing. Bummer.

Today we went out into the sand dunes to look around. Unknown to us at the time we made our reservations.............the Oregon Sand Fest was being held this week. They've got rigs parked all over the sand and vendors selling their junk. It costs $35.00 for an wrist band to enter the closed area............a little steep for my blood. The Twerps wanted to play in one of the "ponds" so we all drove out there and messed around. After awhile Doug managed to get his "idiot proof" kite in the air. Wind was really blowing hard and I thought it would drag Cassidy over the sand dunes............she doesn't have much beef on her butt for ballast. I worked on my sun tan while others played in the water and flew kites. I decided to give Doug's 4 wheeler a spin and after a brief outting I brought it back. I now remember why I only drive things with a steering wheel. We stopped by the entrance toSand Fest, confirmed that it cost $35.00 and then came back to camp. Doug met someone he used to work with who is the DJ at Sand Fest and he might possibly score some wrist bands for us. That would be the only way I'd attend.

More later if anything interesting happens. W & B & The Troops

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