Thursday, July 10, 2008

Wednesday and Thursday...............

found us still trying to avoid heavy winds.........a task that's impossible here, the winds always blow; but, they are worse than usual. Got a picture of John actually tending to their dog, Lucy, instead of yelling at her, while Trace stuffed marshmellows down his face. Wednesday morning we all headed for Reedsport, Or since the Twerps wanted to try out the skateboard park there. They skated and some of us went searching for geocaches. Found 3 of them in Reedsport, 1 in Winchester Bay and a couple along the highway. Trace found one under a bunch of bushes but there were no "treasures" to trade. He made several trades and finally ended up with a figurine of a turtle dove.............go figure, he had a nice frog at one time???

We stopped alongside a view point on a cliff and Cassidy and Trace decided they'd jump took them about 20 minutes to climb back up. Trace found a cache hidden under a boardwalk on the beach, he stepped on it and we all yelled "that's it!" Like those plastic containers. Cassidy found a cache near the Discovery Center and we spent some time browsing around there. A small restaurant had a humongous sign stating they had "Award Winning Chowder". I talked everyone in giving it a try. I gave the Old Crone in charge so much crap about when did they win the award, is the same cook still cooking, is there a money back guarantee, do I get a senior discount, etc. etc. etc. I actually thought she was going to toss my ass out of there. Anyway, the chowder was just "so so" and I didn't have the intestinal fortitude to advise her of same. I quietly paid the bill and slunk out of there.

Today we had to maintain tradition by driving down to Bandon, OR to buy new sweatshirts for the Twerps and stop for fish and chips. Tami and Becky had a big crab sandwich while Cassidy scoffed down some clam chowder. Trace stuck with his usual corndog. We messed around the pier, took a scenic drive along the shore line and finally came back to the sand dunes. Wind still blowing..................too much for this old guy to venture out into the sand so am updating Blog instead. Tomorrow we'll be heading back to Vancouver. Becky and I may drive up the coast and spend an overnight in Lincoln City...........or wherever we can find a vacancy in one of the Oregon State Parks. Rest of the troops will be driving straight back to Vancouver.

Here's some pics of our last two days. Later. W&B

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