Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Tuesday Afternoon................And...........

it's been a week since Becky returned from surgery. She must be doing better...........she's starting to make "lists" of things that I NEED TO DO! Imagine the nerve of that!

Think both of us are suffering a bit from cabin fever and yesterday I asked if she was going into withdrawals since we hadn't been to the casino for a week. Next thing I knew she had changed clothes and was sitting in the car and honking the horn. We drove out for a little while, fed the slots and finally came home about $20.00 richer after a hour or so.

Got phone call from Doug and he mentioned that they might make a speed run down from Washington this Friday if Becky felt up to having company. She shot him an email and used that phrase made famous by Price is Right........."Come On Down". So guess they'll take off Friday afternoon and probably get here late, late Friday evening. Believe that'll be the first time the "Twerps" have been to California so they should be excited by their upcoming trip. They'll be in "sticker shock" when they see gas prices in Corning........$4.36 a gallon this morning. There's one station in town that was selling for $4.24 but I'm sure they'll be playing catch -up with the rest of the stations by the weekend.

I'm so bored that I've been watching election news....................looks like that old cliche about the fat lady bursting into song may happen tonight. .............. :-) :-)...............!

That's about it for here............Becky slept until nearly 0800 this morning and said she feels better today than yesterday. Some progress every day is what we're looking for.

Later. Wayne

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