Monday, June 9, 2008

Getting HOT Here in Corntown............

just checked the thermometer and it was at 95 and probably will creep it's way higher before the day is out. Almost time to turn on the A/C...............although if you would ask Becky she'd say it was about just right.............she doesn't believe in turning the a/c on until triple digits. Actually I'm handling the heat much better than I used to.

We got a call from Onocologist office today and her appointment has been rescheduled to June 20 and then follow up with pulmonary doc on the 23rd. Maybe we'll be able to head to the NW in time to keep our reservations for the sand dunes at Coos Bay the week after the Fourth of July. We'll just have to sit on our thumbs and wait and it certainly wouldn't hurt if she had a few more weeks or so of getting better before we fire up the motor home.

Looks like we'll be spending the following days just taking it easy so my updates will be less frequent unless something interesting happens. Later.


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