Thursday, June 5, 2008


another 84 degree day in which we didn't accomplish much. Becky hoofed it around the block and we made a run to the local grocery store and that was about it. Cabin fever setting in again so we called Judy and Bob and asked if they wanted to meet us at the casino for Old Folks Day. NO prime rib today!! Bummer............they did have New York Steak for their main menu and it was good; but, not that good. As always we managed to overeat and I've been just rolling around the house since we got back. Managed to give the $20.00 back that we won the other day, plus some of our own money. Lesson learned for a little while. The price for gas at the Chevron station next to the casino was $4.57 per gallon today. Gas prices are started to get a little ridiculous.

Doctor appointment tomorrow morning so watch this space for updates. Wayne

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