Friday, June 6, 2008

Friday Afternoon And We Just...................

got home from our Dr. appointment in Chico. This appointment was with the surgeon who performed Becky's operation last week. He removed her bandages and a suture, stuck a band-aid on her side and said we could return in a month unless she experienced any problems. He reviewed the report from the biopsy and said it was cancer cells were found in her lymph nodes! He was cautiously optomistic and still wants Becky to see an oncologist and have follow ups with her pulmonary doctor. We have appointments with them the week of June 16. We told him we had planned on driving to the NW so we have a return appointment with him on July 23. If everything OK with onocologist and pulmonary docs he see no reason why she can't travel when ever she feels up to it. Of course, by then we won't be able to go any place 'cause gas is supposed to be around $6.00 a gallon. That's about a dollar a mile...........looks like it might be a stationary summer this year.

The "negative" tests are the best news we've had in some time so now it's just a case of Becky taking it easy and getting her strength back on a day to day basis!!

Later. W&B

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