Sunday, June 29, 2008

Skateboarding On Sunday.............

at a neat skate board park in Battleground, WA. We got there early this morning before it starting getting HOT and before the local skaterats hit the park. Trace is doing better but still manages to crash and burn when trying to do some "tricks". Cassidy just chugs along and isn't as aggressive but she enjoys skating also.

Trace was working on his "drop ins" (thats what I think they are called) and skated into a giant black hole............we never saw him again.....and Cass was just messing around on her butt.

Tomorrow Trace has a skateboard camp in Portland to attend. The class will last four days so hopefully he'll pick up some good pointers and find some things to work on that are

within his ability. Becky and I will be picking both kids up tomorrow morning, drop Trace at his classes and then either hang around or else we'll go exploring in Portland and pick up Trace after his class.

Been here four days and haven't looked for a single geocache yet!! As a matter of fact we haven't found anything since the GeoWoodstock Event in late May.

No plans for the Fourth, Doug has to work so maybe we'll just have a little cookout here at the park and then take in the fireworks show in Vancouver. Weather is supposed to be cooled down so it should be a nice night for the fireworks display. Later. Wayne & Becky

Saturday, June 28, 2008


and I think we nearly got to triple digit temperatures least it felt like it.

Spent most of yesterday close to the park and drove into Vancouver for dinner with Vancouver Clan. In preparation for a Democratic Victory in November..............we had "fried chicken" for dinner. Understand that chicken may become the new "National Bird" after elections over.

Today Becky and I took in the Farmer's Market in downtown Vancouver, shopped for a bit, bought some strawberries for Trace, a couple of corndogs for ourselves and left as the heat wave was wilting us. We did find a one-seater electric car that looked kinda neat. Went to Doug and Tami's and basked in air conditioning and then I went with Cassidy and Doug to Battleground to hunt up some new trucks for her new skateboard. Getting a new skateboard has been a slow process as her stingy dad only buys her one component at a time. Apparently she had some "Pro" skateboarder autograph her skateboard so now she doesn't want to use that board and needs another one. I told the shop owner I would buy the bearings and wheels if I received a Senior Citizen cost me $50.00!!! Won't open my mouth again.

Had dinner at the local dive where the gravy is still pretty good and portions are large. Then "B" and I headed for the park. Got the A/C going full blast so it's cooling down...........Becky will probably start whining about it being too cold...........tuff.

Here's a couple of pictures of today events. W&B

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thursday Afternoon.....................

and we made it to Washington early this afternoon. Left Corning yesterday, drove to Seven Feathers Casino, had dinner, helped my red brothers out some and drove on into Vancouver today. Right now we're set up at the Paradise Point State Park, south of Woodland. Cussed and swore at the internet dish but finally got Becky on line so she's happy and I got my MTV going.

Here's some pics we took in Corning, the smoke from the fires is pretty apparent until you get past Weed and then things clear up. "B" also took picture of the "tin cow" and "tin dragon" and me cussing the internet satellitte system. Took awhile but got it running.
Gonna just kick back tonight and then see Morris Clan in Vancouver tomorrow. Later. W&B

Monday, June 23, 2008

OK, Becky Saw Her ......................

doctor today, he checked the latest report and said to call and schedule another PET scan about December. Told him we would be in Arizona and he said April would be fine when we return. He thought she was doing great and was also amazed at the negative biopsy report.

We spent most of the day getting things moved to the Motor Home, made a few shopping stops in Chico, won $35.00 from the casino and tried to escape the heat. The entire area is filled with smoke from the fires going on in Northern California. Normally you can see the mountains on the way to Chico; but, not today. Too much smoke in the air.

Think we'll be leaving sometime around noon on Wednesday and will probably stop at the Rogue River State Park or drive on to the Seven Feathers Casino for an overnighter at Canyonville. Would be cheaper to get a "freebie" at Rogue River; but...........................???

Later. B&W

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sunday Afternoon And ................

we just got back from Woodland. Seems like it was the wrong weekend to make this trip as everyone seemed to be going in different directions all at the same time. Rhonda and one of her buds had tickets, complete with pit passes, to NASCAR in Sacramento so they spent Saturday flirting with the drivers. Apparently no success there because they came home Saturday evening and we all headed for the ball park where "Brutus" finished up the baseball season with closing ceremonies. Becky and I headed for Cache Creek casino Saturday after I filled up on biscuits and gravy at Don's Diner. We both had "free" money on our club cards for June......$10.00 each so we made a speed run out there and finally left with $20.00 of their money. We all arrived home in time to load up and head for the ball park. Would have been more enjoyable if we hadn't encountered triple digit temperatures. We all headed for the Sizzler for dinner after closing ceremonies and then went home and called it a day.

Becky discovered that she had put in a looooonnng day so she crashed and burned early Saturday evening. Made our last stop for breakfast at Don's Diner again this morning and Steve and Bryce headed for FOOTBALL practice. Baseball ends and football begins...........those little guys will never get any rest!

We had a nice visit and Granny was happy to see her twerps before we head up North. Another doctor appointment tomorrow morning and we expect to be on the road not later then Wednesday. Later. W&B

Friday, June 20, 2008

It's About 1730, Friday and...............

we just got home from Chico after keeping the Oncologist appointment. Got some great news from him. Becky asked him "why are we here?" and he expained that Dr. Puig, the surgeon, wanted a follow-up by oncology because he thought the cancer had spread to lymph nodes that could not be removed. Dr. Potter gave her some options, one of which was chemo therapy; but, since reports on the lymph nodes were negative he saw no need for any further treatment. He explained that Dr. Puig was just being cautious and the suspect areas most likely were a touch of pneumonia or possible infection. We will see her pulmonary doctor on Monday and Dr. Potter said he would probably set her up with x-rays twice a year. Anyway, we need not see the oncologist again!!!

We'll see Dr. Wilms on Monday and will probably hit the road for the Pacific Northwest around Wednesday of next week.

Right now we're going to hook up the Suzuki, hop in the motor home and head for Woodland. This will be the last weekend we'll be in California until late August so will spend some time with the California Twerps before we leave. Will come home on Sunday.

Later. Wayne & Becky :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) !!!!!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Still Battling Temps...............

in the mid 90s, and sometimes a little more, all week long so we haven't been doing too much except hibernating. We venture to the casino now and then, had one cheap meal there this week, took home a few bucks only to give it back the next trip (which was this afternoon). Gotta keep my Red Brothers happy.

Gas prices still outta sight, this afternoon unleaded regular was $4.639. It dropped 5 cents two days ago and then rose 10 cents a gallon today.

Becky doing better each day..........or at least she's bitchin and moaning more and I interpret this to mean she's getting back to normal! Next week I may have to get her started packing the M/H and finishing up my "to do" list. If the temperatures continue the Oregon/Washington coast is looking better every day

Later. Wayne & Becky

Monday, June 9, 2008

Getting HOT Here in Corntown............

just checked the thermometer and it was at 95 and probably will creep it's way higher before the day is out. Almost time to turn on the A/C...............although if you would ask Becky she'd say it was about just right.............she doesn't believe in turning the a/c on until triple digits. Actually I'm handling the heat much better than I used to.

We got a call from Onocologist office today and her appointment has been rescheduled to June 20 and then follow up with pulmonary doc on the 23rd. Maybe we'll be able to head to the NW in time to keep our reservations for the sand dunes at Coos Bay the week after the Fourth of July. We'll just have to sit on our thumbs and wait and it certainly wouldn't hurt if she had a few more weeks or so of getting better before we fire up the motor home.

Looks like we'll be spending the following days just taking it easy so my updates will be less frequent unless something interesting happens. Later.


Sunday, June 8, 2008

Late Sunday Morning And..................

the Washington Morris' have come and gone. They arrived late Friday evening, somewhere around 2200 so after a short visit they headed to bed and were up bright and early Saturday morning. Trace is into skate boarding and the only skatepark around is at Red Bluff, about 15 miles from Corning. Tami, Cassidy and Becky headed downtown and Doug, Trace and I left for Red Bluff. They have a really nice skate park there and Trace showed me what he's learned since I was in Washington in early April. He's doing a whole lot better, gaining more confidence I guess and he really enjoyed the park. We got home, Becky rested for awhile, and the WA Morris' went exploring..........they looked for olives in the olive orchard across the street........stopped at the Olive Pit and gawked at some palm trees. First time the twerps were in California so they were pretty busy rubber necking and trying to cram a lot into a short visit. After a lunch/dinner of ribs and fixins they all headed back to Red Bluff so Cassidy could try out the skate park also. Sunday morning and they were getting ready to leave after breakfast. They have about a 9 or 10 hour drive and some more skate parks to try in Redding and maybe Medford so they were on the road about 0830. We had a nice visit; but, as always, not enough time. Hopefully Becky and I will be able to get on the road the end of June and keep some our reservations on the Oregon coast.

Becky is doing good, sometimes over extends herself; but, she rests whenever she feels a need so all is well with us in Corning. Now, if only the heat stays away for a few more weeks we'll be in good shape until we get on the road again.

Here's a few pictures of the Morris California visit. As always, the last picture is a welcome sight.


Friday, June 6, 2008

Friday Afternoon And We Just...................

got home from our Dr. appointment in Chico. This appointment was with the surgeon who performed Becky's operation last week. He removed her bandages and a suture, stuck a band-aid on her side and said we could return in a month unless she experienced any problems. He reviewed the report from the biopsy and said it was cancer cells were found in her lymph nodes! He was cautiously optomistic and still wants Becky to see an oncologist and have follow ups with her pulmonary doctor. We have appointments with them the week of June 16. We told him we had planned on driving to the NW so we have a return appointment with him on July 23. If everything OK with onocologist and pulmonary docs he see no reason why she can't travel when ever she feels up to it. Of course, by then we won't be able to go any place 'cause gas is supposed to be around $6.00 a gallon. That's about a dollar a mile...........looks like it might be a stationary summer this year.

The "negative" tests are the best news we've had in some time so now it's just a case of Becky taking it easy and getting her strength back on a day to day basis!!

Later. W&B

Thursday, June 5, 2008


another 84 degree day in which we didn't accomplish much. Becky hoofed it around the block and we made a run to the local grocery store and that was about it. Cabin fever setting in again so we called Judy and Bob and asked if they wanted to meet us at the casino for Old Folks Day. NO prime rib today!! Bummer............they did have New York Steak for their main menu and it was good; but, not that good. As always we managed to overeat and I've been just rolling around the house since we got back. Managed to give the $20.00 back that we won the other day, plus some of our own money. Lesson learned for a little while. The price for gas at the Chevron station next to the casino was $4.57 per gallon today. Gas prices are started to get a little ridiculous.

Doctor appointment tomorrow morning so watch this space for updates. Wayne

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Wednesday Afternoon.............

and Becky is laying down, hopefully resting. She looked pretty tired today. I slept in to about 0830 this morning and she was already up..............perhaps she didn't sleep as well last night; but, sometimes it's difficult extracting info from her so hope she gets some sleep this afternoon. I ran some errands this morning, wacked up the walnut tree that had branches hanging to the ground and then mowed the lawn. While I was doing that she was piddling around the kitchen when I came back into the house. Just hope she doesn't try to do too much too soon.

Doctor appointment is coming up on Friday morning so at least we'll know if additional treatments will be necessary.

My kids from Washington, Doug, Tami, Cassidy and Trace, have firmed up their plans and will be here late Friday night. We'll be happy to see them..........if only for a couple of days.

More later. Wayne

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Tuesday Afternoon................And...........

it's been a week since Becky returned from surgery. She must be doing better...........she's starting to make "lists" of things that I NEED TO DO! Imagine the nerve of that!

Think both of us are suffering a bit from cabin fever and yesterday I asked if she was going into withdrawals since we hadn't been to the casino for a week. Next thing I knew she had changed clothes and was sitting in the car and honking the horn. We drove out for a little while, fed the slots and finally came home about $20.00 richer after a hour or so.

Got phone call from Doug and he mentioned that they might make a speed run down from Washington this Friday if Becky felt up to having company. She shot him an email and used that phrase made famous by Price is Right........."Come On Down". So guess they'll take off Friday afternoon and probably get here late, late Friday evening. Believe that'll be the first time the "Twerps" have been to California so they should be excited by their upcoming trip. They'll be in "sticker shock" when they see gas prices in Corning........$4.36 a gallon this morning. There's one station in town that was selling for $4.24 but I'm sure they'll be playing catch -up with the rest of the stations by the weekend.

I'm so bored that I've been watching election news....................looks like that old cliche about the fat lady bursting into song may happen tonight. .............. :-) :-)...............!

That's about it for here............Becky slept until nearly 0800 this morning and said she feels better today than yesterday. Some progress every day is what we're looking for.

Later. Wayne

Sunday, June 1, 2008

The "Twerps" Visited Grandma ..........................

today..........they had to check to see if Papi was giving her all the care and attention that they thought she required. Apparently they figured out that Granny was doing OK and didn't need any help from them. Pictures tell the tale. They arrived this morning, posed for a picture and everything went to hell in a hand bag after that..........they went from being nice to "picker lickers", just hanging around, cuddling on the couch, dancing, wrestling with dad, group hug and finally Mom displayed the best of her multitude of talents. Best picture of all................tailights fading into the sunset!!

Enjoyable day but right now Granny is resting on the couch............I even think I heard some snoring. Will let her snooze for a little while and then someone has to get moving to fix my dinner!

Later, W&B