Tuesday, May 27, 2008

About 2220 Pacific Time..... Update on Becky.

Hello everyone……….I know that some of you are unaware that Becky underwent surgery today so this is new for you. She asked that I keep everyone updated on her surgery/progress on my blog since it was simpler than trying to shoot out a bunch of emails.

Some background: she saw her doctor when we returned to CA and he sent her in for chest x-rays on April 30. A spot showed up on her right lung and the month of May has been one test after another. Tests showed a cancerous tumor in her lung and it had to be surgically removed. She underwent surgery this afternoon, the tumor was removed and we were finally able to visit her about 1900 after spending time in the recovery room. The doctor believes that after recovery from the surgery she will still have to undergo further treatment as he thinks the cancer cells have invaded lymph nodes that could not be removed. More biopsies are being conducted so we will have more information later.

At the present time she is in her hospital room, awake and talking. They will keep her under close monitoring for the next 24 hours. She will probably spend about 6 days in the hospital………it depends on how well she responds. Her daughter, Rhonda, close friend Judy and I have been at the hospital all day and Rhonda and I will be going back over there tomorrow morning.

That’s all the information we have at this time and I’ll post updates as we gain more information. She is one scrappy lady and this is one step in the right direction.

Thank you for those who have called, sent emails and offered their prayers and best wishes.



Jenise said...
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Jenise said...

Thanks Wayne. I've been on pins and needles. I'm so thankful you are there taking care of the girls. They mean the world to me. Give Becky a hug, tell her I love her. I'll call Rhon tomorrow. Thanks again.

Loomousine said...

Just arrived in North Carolina and ck'd your blog right away. Glad surgery over, give Becky our love, will call you again soon.
YOur all in our thoughts and prayers. As with Frank's cancer, glad its out, treatments done and get on with rolling around the country, she will be doing that too!