Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Becky ---- Day Two...................

and she's doing very well. Rhonda stayed over in Corning and left to visit her mommy this morning. They were cackling and giggling like a couple of old hens when I arrived later. Monitoring equipment is being removed one by one and tomorrow Becky should be prowling the hallways as soon as she loses a drainage tube. She's moving slowly but wants to get up move around as soon as she can. The only pain medication she's needed are a couple of vicodin this morning. The appetite is back and she even wolfed down some of that hospital food this evening like it was a T-Bone.

Her pulmonary doctor stopped by and we inquired about the bioposy results and he told us it would take a couple of more days to have them. Right now she's doing breathing exercises 4 times a day under supervision and then they have her working on some exercises on her own..........which she has been doing. That'll keep her busy as her TV is broken.............she doesn't watch much TV but listens to it.

Rhonda headed back to Woodland late this afternoon and Becky dozed awhile after she left but she's been awake all day so should get some good siesta time tonight. I'll be going back tomorrow around noon and will keep you posted on her progress.


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