Friday, May 2, 2008

Birthday Adventure................

started with the "sharp eyed" Becky unable to spot her BD rose sitting next to her favorite chair. I placed it the vase with some fake flowers and she never noticed it! Since we were leaving kinda early she opened her BD cards and emails Wednesday evening. I finally pointed out the rose for her. We started BD at the Rolling Hills Casino with Judy and Bob treating us to a BD Breakfast. Left there about 0930 to visit the various casinos on the to a BD dinner at Steve and Rhonda's in Woodland. First two stops were at the Gold Country and Feather Falls casinos in Oroville. Becky received $5.00 from each of them and we gambled that away. After that I took her shopping at the Army Surplus store in Oroville. She was too picky and didn't find anything worthy of her tastes there; however, I found some containers that I can use for geocache hides and bought a few. From there we stopped at the Colusa casino where "B" received a T-shirt and I think another $5.00. In downtown Colusa we made two stops and found two geocaches. On to the Cache Creek casino west of Woodland where we both were credited with $10.00 each on our players cards.

Eventually we got to Woodland for the BD dinner. Got a pic of dinner in progress with Rhonda slapping her brain cells. Boys were here and there and everywhere and Bryce and his friend Patrick were making BD cards for Granny when we arrived. We had a BD card opening ceremony before dinner.

Eventually we got on the road and still had to stop at Rolling Hills where Becky had another $10.00 of "free money" to gamble away. We made it home about 2200...........a 14+ hour day, over 300 miles and $40.00 worth of gas. End result of our gambling..........we made it home $33.00 and one t-shirt ahead!

Here's some pics of our adventure. W&B

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