Saturday, April 26, 2008

A Whole Week Gone By......................

and we haven't accomplished much. It's unhealthy when you settle into a routine of SOS. Been scouting the local area for places to stash some new caches and then working on them.............have three ready to go and a little more creating to do to get the other two ready to place. Don't want to make them too easy. Doesn't seem like the weather will ever hit a 110 degrees in Yuma so I can release the cache that Frank helped me place on the hilltop. It will though.

Took a new tactical approach to our casino trips.........if we get ahead by $5.00 or more we just hit the old "cash in" button, pick up our free drinks and depart. This was working quite well..........until yesterday when we never got $5.00 ahead and gave them everything back that we had won this week! Wanted to try the seafood buffet yesterday and was all set to pig out on dungeness crab; however, they had snow crab instead so we came home for dinner. Also, the casino wised up on "Old Folks" day. We used to be able to arrive early for dinner, about 1530, pay 1/2 price for lunch and then hang around until they started serving prime rib dinner at 1600. Stopped by on Thursday and found out that they now close the buffet at 1500, clear everyone out and start serving again at 1600. There were a lot of surprised old folks this week, including us.

Made a couple of runs to Chico this week, mowed the weeds and did little else. Gas hit $3.89 a gallon in town and that helps curtail our travels. Considered going down to Woodland this afternoon for the twerp's baseball game at 1700 but will have to wait and see on that one.

Later, if the sun keeps shining. W&B

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