Saturday, April 19, 2008

Saturday, And Here We Sit.................

still in Reno. Just looked at the forecast and the high temperature tomorrow is supposed to about make it to 43............which is OK 'cause we're leaving tomorrow morning anyways. Snow is forecast for the mountain areas. Maybe we outta leave today while we still have the shirts on our backs. Gambling still most unforgiving..............the only luck I've had is hooking onto an open WiFi signal. The Hotel has third party wifi service; but, they want $9.95 a day to hook up. We're at Fitzgeralds and this hotel is about ready for the scrap heap in my estimation. Elevators are being worked on, two are running and it takes about 10 minutes to get up and down from our room. Even the scenery is lacking........cocktail waitresses are wrinkled, bow legged, stooped and bent, hard of hearing and most of them appear to be on social security.......or very close to it.

Doug, Mark, Tami, B and I drove out to Cabela's this morning after breakfast and did some snooping/shopping. Cabela's has a seat that will fit in the back of the Rhino, it bolts in and has seat belts so should pass any inspections for passengers. The price wasn't too bad so finally bought one to give it a try. Came back to the hotel and figured we give the slots a rest. I still have a few caches printed out that might be easy to find so maybe we'll go look for some of them this afternoon. The sun is out but it sure is windy.

Later, W & B

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