Friday, April 11, 2008

Sitting In Woodland, CA.......................

Some of the pictures of Trace and Cassiday's skateboarding were taken in Woodland, WA a couple of days ago. I've gone from freezing my buns off to almost looking for air conditioning. Left Vancouver on Thursday morning and arrived in Corning in time to shower, shave, shine my shoes and then head for Old Folks Day at the Rolling Hills Casino. Got there in time to pay for lunch, sat and waited for 5 minutes and then had a prime rib dinner.............Two dinners for about ten bucks! And to make things a little sweeter I even left the casino with more money then I had when I arrived. That hasn't happened much lately.

Weather in Vancouver was iffy; but, Dug picked up Trace and Cass from school and we went to the skateboard park at Evergreen so Trace could show off his stuff. That skateboard park was loaded with bikes, skateboards, scooters and tons of skate rats so we drove up to Woodland where we found a park with only one skateboarder. Played around there until it started raining; but, got to watch Trace and Cass so will see how much improvement they've made when we get back in June. Trace doing OK on the board but he'll have to take some art lessons for "tagging"...........then he'll be ready to become a full-fledged member of the "skate rat community". Only one small crash and burn for Trace at this blood.

We came down to Woodland for Bryce's BD this weekend. Bowling party tomorrow and then family Bar-B-Q on Sunday. We'll probably head back for Corning Sunday evening or maybe hang around until Monday. Bryce should remember this Spring Break and BD as Steve and Rhonda took the boys to Disneyland and they just got back yesterday. Becky and Rhonda took off for parts unknown soon after we got here............last minute stuff for the BD party I suppose. Don't know what tomorrow has in store for baseball over spring break so maybe we can get in some geocaching with the twerps. Later W&B

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