Thursday, April 3, 2008


and I just called the "hot line" to see about jury duty for tomorrow. Bummer.............the case must have been resolved 'cause the jury I was supposed to report for has been cancelled. This probably would have been the only legitimate money I would have earned in the last three or four years.

Slept in this morning and we were going to go to the casino for "old folks" half-price breakfast but it got kind
a late, approaching 1000 before we really started moving around. Becky was on the phone and mentioned to Judy that we had planned on breakfast but got up too late..........the next thing I know Becky is yelling to get ready, "we're meeting Judy for breakfast/lunch". Away we go and arrive about 20 minutes before lunch started. Good deal, we only paid $4.25 each, had breakfast, hung around so long that we also had lunch. That would have been great.....except one has to pass by all these slot machines to get to the door. End result, I paid full price for the breakfast/lunch.............and then some.

Guess I'll be watching the weather report for the Siskyous and if it doesn't look too bad over the pass I might head for WA on Saturday. Don't want to pull the trailer/Rhino over the pass in the little Suzuki if weather is crummy.

Oh, Becky got her haircut on Tuesday. Posted are "before" and "after" pictures.

Later, W&B

"Butch" (after).......................................... Becky (before)

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