Monday, April 7, 2008

Monday, April 7 And I'm................

freezing my buns off!! Left Corning yesterday for a speed run to Washington and as soon as I reached the Sisikiyou summit the weather collapsed all around me. Rain off and on all the way up the I-5 corridor, started raining again last night but has stopped for now and it's just cloudy and COLD! Cold for me anyways............for the locals it's probably not cold. High today was supposed to have made it to 50; but, I haven't looked.

Get doctor and dentists appointments out of the way the next three days and I think I'll be ready to head South.

The Twerps were bummed this morning..........they just wrapped up Spring Break and had to drag themselves back to school. If we get some sun breaks I'll have to take Trace to one of the local skate board parks and he can show me his stuff. Doug showed me a picture of him just heading down the ramp and mili-seconds later he crashed and burned! Unfortunately, Dug didn't get a picture of that. Doug said he just lay there in a quivering mass of blood, smushed bones and with his eyes glazed and rolling back and forth in his head; eventually he got back up and made a few more runs so guess he didn't lose his nerve. Will take "B"'s rapid fire camera and see if I can come up with a few pictures. If the sun comes out the blood will show up much better. Hope for sunshine in the next few days.

Been trying to get hooked up with a wifi signal for my computer but can't pull in a strong enough signal even with a signal's too cold to sit in the street looking for a signal, so am on Dug's computer hooked up to a "land line". Kinda slow but what's the alternative??

When I got here Tami had a big pot of chili going. Trace went nuts over the strawberries so Cass, Tami and Trace ate chili and strawberries for dinner. I stuck to the chili. Told Trace that "B" also makes a mean pot of chili, so guess we'll have a chili cookoff when we hit Coos Bay in July. I'll open a few cans of Nalleys and join in the competition.

It's still C O L D !! Later. Wayne

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