Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Spent Some Time Scouting Out.................

places where we can place a few geocaches. Got two of them in place, one under the old bridge and another one at the white gate. Snooped around the big toy in a park but think we'll pass on placing one there.........too many kids and once they find it that'll be its demise. Placed one in a similar place in Yuma but it became too difficult to maintain. Got some more areas to check out since we want to place at least 4 or 5 caches. That makes it worthwhile for out-of-towners to stop by. It's COLD today, think it's about 62 degrees right now and it's high noon!!

Tomorrow is "B"s BD, she's now closer to 70 than to 60. She's been getting birthday wishes from the local casinos inviting her to stop by and pick up her "free gift".........ha, no such thing as a free lunch or free anything. Judy has invited us out for a birthday breakfast tomorrow morning and from there we'll try to make stops at 5 casinos for her freebies. I figured out that we'll drive about 250 miles, probably further. Travels will take us to Woodland and Rhonda and family will be fixing us dinner and most likely BD cake (if she can find one large enough to hold all the required candles).

I heading to the bank right now to float a loan for gas and gambling money.

Here are a few pics of our search for geocache hiding spots. More later after our big adventure tomorrow.

Becky and Wayne

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Drove Down To Woodland...............

yesterday afternoon and did a little caching along the way. We took a little side trip to Colousa that just happened to take us by another casino. An old dude who goes by the name of "Retired Professor" has placed nearly 700 caches in the Yuba City area and we found about 11 of them in a series along side the road. One poor cache met its fate at the hands of a lawnmower. We had to stop at the casino and this was the quickest trip we ever made to a casino. We found a cache North of the casino, stopped, gambled, won $23.50, drove South and found another cache in a total of 28 minutes from cache to cache. I think we punched the button twice on a nickel slot machine and it spit out a small payoff! Made a potty stop and we were on our way toward Woodland. Bryce had a ball game at 1700 and we made it with about an hour to spare. The Colousa area has a ton of caches placed and we'll have to spend some more time there. It appears to be a great area for the "numbers".
Second collage are sights you don't want to see when traveling down the road! I was napping while Becky was driving and she started yelling something about a truck. I glanced up in time to snap a couple of pictures as she was frozen at the wheel. Then, due to superior male driving skill and lightening fast male reactions, I was able to grab the steering wheel and avoid the oncoming truck. I also managed to calm her down so we could cruise on down the road and I could resume my nap. Continued the trip without further incident.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

A Whole Week Gone By......................

and we haven't accomplished much. It's unhealthy when you settle into a routine of SOS. Been scouting the local area for places to stash some new caches and then working on them.............have three ready to go and a little more creating to do to get the other two ready to place. Don't want to make them too easy. Doesn't seem like the weather will ever hit a 110 degrees in Yuma so I can release the cache that Frank helped me place on the hilltop. It will though.

Took a new tactical approach to our casino trips.........if we get ahead by $5.00 or more we just hit the old "cash in" button, pick up our free drinks and depart. This was working quite well..........until yesterday when we never got $5.00 ahead and gave them everything back that we had won this week! Wanted to try the seafood buffet yesterday and was all set to pig out on dungeness crab; however, they had snow crab instead so we came home for dinner. Also, the casino wised up on "Old Folks" day. We used to be able to arrive early for dinner, about 1530, pay 1/2 price for lunch and then hang around until they started serving prime rib dinner at 1600. Stopped by on Thursday and found out that they now close the buffet at 1500, clear everyone out and start serving again at 1600. There were a lot of surprised old folks this week, including us.

Made a couple of runs to Chico this week, mowed the weeds and did little else. Gas hit $3.89 a gallon in town and that helps curtail our travels. Considered going down to Woodland this afternoon for the twerp's baseball game at 1700 but will have to wait and see on that one.

Later, if the sun keeps shining. W&B

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sunday And We Finally.................

made it back to Corning after our Reno run. A bit lighter in the pocketbook but it was a fun trip. Purpose of the trip was to celebrate April's (Tami sister) birthday. Included in the group were Dale, Janet, Mark, April, Ashley, Tami, Doug, Becky and I. We managed to gamble, eat, gamble and eat some more. After breakfast on Friday we headed for a skateboard shop to get some new wheels for Trace and then, since Viriginia City was so close, we headed up the mountain to see what we could see. I only saw the inside of a couple of casinos so I contributed to the Virginia City economy while the other three did the tourist thing. Saturday morning we headed out to Cabela's. I found a little bench seat that will fit into the back of the Rhino, Becky came up with some corn nuts, one shirt and a bag of rootbeer candy. I think Tami got some stuff for the Twerps and Doug and Mark spent all their money on some video game trying to outshoot each other. Neither one did very well while I was watching them. To keep us out of the casinos for a little while Becky and I went geocaching Saturday afternoon. A sunny but windy day so we only found 5 caches and headed back to more food and gambling. The Truckee River runs right through Reno and a white water event is held in May. This is one portion of the river where they apparently "shoot the rapids". It might be fun to watch............I imagine the water is bitterly cold!!
Well, that was our last 3 days of activity. Sure hope it warms up. Later W&B

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Saturday, And Here We Sit.................

still in Reno. Just looked at the forecast and the high temperature tomorrow is supposed to about make it to 43............which is OK 'cause we're leaving tomorrow morning anyways. Snow is forecast for the mountain areas. Maybe we outta leave today while we still have the shirts on our backs. Gambling still most unforgiving..............the only luck I've had is hooking onto an open WiFi signal. The Hotel has third party wifi service; but, they want $9.95 a day to hook up. We're at Fitzgeralds and this hotel is about ready for the scrap heap in my estimation. Elevators are being worked on, two are running and it takes about 10 minutes to get up and down from our room. Even the scenery is lacking........cocktail waitresses are wrinkled, bow legged, stooped and bent, hard of hearing and most of them appear to be on social security.......or very close to it.

Doug, Mark, Tami, B and I drove out to Cabela's this morning after breakfast and did some snooping/shopping. Cabela's has a seat that will fit in the back of the Rhino, it bolts in and has seat belts so should pass any inspections for passengers. The price wasn't too bad so finally bought one to give it a try. Came back to the hotel and figured we give the slots a rest. I still have a few caches printed out that might be easy to find so maybe we'll go look for some of them this afternoon. The sun is out but it sure is windy.

Later, W & B

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Been Taking It Easy..............

the last couple of days and tomorrow morning we point our way toward Reno. Tummy much better, almost back to normal, so looking forwarded to spending three days in the Biggest Little City In The usual we'll probably eat our way through the buffets and gain 10 pounds. Stopped by the local casino this evening and if that stop is any indication of things to come we should probably stay home! Too late now, we're all packed up and can't let all that work go to waste.

Weather forecast indicates we'll probably have some decent weather in the day light hours but it gets COLD at night. I've printed out about a dozen geocaches to hunt for and that should keep us out of the dens of inequity for at least a part of our stay.

This month, instead of just sending gas money, would also appreciate a little gambling money too!

Wish us luck................later. W&B

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tuesday Morning......................

so guess I'd better make a short post. Came back from Woodland late afternoon on Sunday and I've been home ever since. Started feeling crummy early Sunday morning and spent all day in the motorhome staying very close to the bathroom. Missed the next stage of Bryce's BD, including Bar B Que and we finally pointed our way home about 1700 with Becky driving.........I was too sick to my stomach to even watch the traffic. We made it home OK and yesterday morning I felt pretty good and made the mistake of eating too much breakfast, or else the wrong kind of breakfast (bacon n eggs) so I was back to square one yesterday afternoon. Got a Dr. appointment that was pre scheduled for 1100 this morning. Will keep that and see if he has any good advice.

We were going to go to Reno early Thursday morning and meet Dug and Tami and Tami's family for birthday celebrations. Tami's sister turned 21 so it has been kinda a ritual to make a Reno run whenever a 21st BD rolls around. Sure hope I can make it. The next two days will make up my mind so will just take it easy and watch what foods I eat.

All for now.................. W & B

Friday, April 11, 2008

Sitting In Woodland, CA.......................

Some of the pictures of Trace and Cassiday's skateboarding were taken in Woodland, WA a couple of days ago. I've gone from freezing my buns off to almost looking for air conditioning. Left Vancouver on Thursday morning and arrived in Corning in time to shower, shave, shine my shoes and then head for Old Folks Day at the Rolling Hills Casino. Got there in time to pay for lunch, sat and waited for 5 minutes and then had a prime rib dinner.............Two dinners for about ten bucks! And to make things a little sweeter I even left the casino with more money then I had when I arrived. That hasn't happened much lately.

Weather in Vancouver was iffy; but, Dug picked up Trace and Cass from school and we went to the skateboard park at Evergreen so Trace could show off his stuff. That skateboard park was loaded with bikes, skateboards, scooters and tons of skate rats so we drove up to Woodland where we found a park with only one skateboarder. Played around there until it started raining; but, got to watch Trace and Cass so will see how much improvement they've made when we get back in June. Trace doing OK on the board but he'll have to take some art lessons for "tagging"...........then he'll be ready to become a full-fledged member of the "skate rat community". Only one small crash and burn for Trace at this blood.

We came down to Woodland for Bryce's BD this weekend. Bowling party tomorrow and then family Bar-B-Q on Sunday. We'll probably head back for Corning Sunday evening or maybe hang around until Monday. Bryce should remember this Spring Break and BD as Steve and Rhonda took the boys to Disneyland and they just got back yesterday. Becky and Rhonda took off for parts unknown soon after we got here............last minute stuff for the BD party I suppose. Don't know what tomorrow has in store for baseball over spring break so maybe we can get in some geocaching with the twerps. Later W&B

Monday, April 7, 2008

Monday, April 7 And I'm................

freezing my buns off!! Left Corning yesterday for a speed run to Washington and as soon as I reached the Sisikiyou summit the weather collapsed all around me. Rain off and on all the way up the I-5 corridor, started raining again last night but has stopped for now and it's just cloudy and COLD! Cold for me anyways............for the locals it's probably not cold. High today was supposed to have made it to 50; but, I haven't looked.

Get doctor and dentists appointments out of the way the next three days and I think I'll be ready to head South.

The Twerps were bummed this morning..........they just wrapped up Spring Break and had to drag themselves back to school. If we get some sun breaks I'll have to take Trace to one of the local skate board parks and he can show me his stuff. Doug showed me a picture of him just heading down the ramp and mili-seconds later he crashed and burned! Unfortunately, Dug didn't get a picture of that. Doug said he just lay there in a quivering mass of blood, smushed bones and with his eyes glazed and rolling back and forth in his head; eventually he got back up and made a few more runs so guess he didn't lose his nerve. Will take "B"'s rapid fire camera and see if I can come up with a few pictures. If the sun comes out the blood will show up much better. Hope for sunshine in the next few days.

Been trying to get hooked up with a wifi signal for my computer but can't pull in a strong enough signal even with a signal's too cold to sit in the street looking for a signal, so am on Dug's computer hooked up to a "land line". Kinda slow but what's the alternative??

When I got here Tami had a big pot of chili going. Trace went nuts over the strawberries so Cass, Tami and Trace ate chili and strawberries for dinner. I stuck to the chili. Told Trace that "B" also makes a mean pot of chili, so guess we'll have a chili cookoff when we hit Coos Bay in July. I'll open a few cans of Nalleys and join in the competition.

It's still C O L D !! Later. Wayne

Thursday, April 3, 2008


and I just called the "hot line" to see about jury duty for tomorrow. Bummer.............the case must have been resolved 'cause the jury I was supposed to report for has been cancelled. This probably would have been the only legitimate money I would have earned in the last three or four years.

Slept in this morning and we were going to go to the casino for "old folks" half-price breakfast but it got kind
a late, approaching 1000 before we really started moving around. Becky was on the phone and mentioned to Judy that we had planned on breakfast but got up too late..........the next thing I know Becky is yelling to get ready, "we're meeting Judy for breakfast/lunch". Away we go and arrive about 20 minutes before lunch started. Good deal, we only paid $4.25 each, had breakfast, hung around so long that we also had lunch. That would have been great.....except one has to pass by all these slot machines to get to the door. End result, I paid full price for the breakfast/lunch.............and then some.

Guess I'll be watching the weather report for the Siskyous and if it doesn't look too bad over the pass I might head for WA on Saturday. Don't want to pull the trailer/Rhino over the pass in the little Suzuki if weather is crummy.

Oh, Becky got her haircut on Tuesday. Posted are "before" and "after" pictures.

Later, W&B

"Butch" (after).......................................... Becky (before)