Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Three Days After Christmas..............

and not much happening...........except we got a "Heat Spell" coming up. Supposed to reach 73/74 this weekend. My kind of weather!

We headed to Robert and Char's for Christmas Dinner; but, we had to make a geocaching stop before dinner. Becky forgot the general rule of caching that is to "look for an obvious hiding place" before trusting your GPSr. She started off following the arrow so I let her go while I walked over to the "obvious" place to secure the cache. Signed log and we were on our way to dinner.

Small group for dinner consisting of McNeece family, kids and grandkids and a few other friends. Turkey, ham and all the fixins and we overate as usual. It was a nice quite afternoon and when the sun started to dip below the horizon we hopped in the RZR and headed homeward. Nearly froze our buns off on the way home.

Monday was "kinda" a shopping day, mall not too crowded and we hit a couple of stores but Becky couldn't find anything that grabbed her. On the other hand, we stopped at Harbor Freight and I picked up a bunch of good "deals". Grabbed a cache he had previously not found and kicked back the rest of the day.

Yesterday we had to head for the Commissary to pick up some Orville Reddenbach Poppycock...........we tried a can on our last visit and both of us pigged out on the stuff. We figured it'd be on sale after Christmas and it was marked down to half price.............I think we picked up a dozen cans. Not much else going on except we're enjoying the warmer weather............almost had to turn on the A/C today! All for now. W&B

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