Monday, December 19, 2011

Still Freezing...............

as daytime temps remaining about 63-64 for the high and dipping into 40s at night. Got electric heater running so we'll be OK in the short term.

Didn't make it down to the Tamale Festival on Saturday so Becky will have to do without..........or maybe someone will drive by hocking home made tamales. We usually have some sellers stopping by but haven't seen any so far this year. Of course it might help if we spent a little more time here during the day.

We've been picking up a cache here and there and spent most of Sunday in California near Holtville's desert area. I think we ended up with 60 or so finds. That's a lot of climbing in and out of the car and we were both dead tired when we got home. Something to eat, hot showers and then we both crashed early last night.

Made our first trip into the Goldwater Bombing Range today as several new caches were placed a couple of miles South of us. Recent rains are really helping to green up the desert. Will give it a little more time and then go picture taking.

Finally got some neighbors late this afternoon as Nate and Phyllis showed up. Medical problems slowed down their "leave home" date...........when you get "ancient" the old doctor appointments sure have an influence on what and where you do things! We met several friends in the desert today and after standing around and shooting the bull for a while one of the guys said "I gotta go, knees bothering me". We all jumped in our cars and left.

Not much planned for this week......except making a laundry run. Later. W&B

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