Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday And Here We Sit...................

with nothing to do! Well, nothing immediately comes to mind, except we gotta head out to the Proving Grounds where I had the Post Exchange place an order for me. It's in. Too bad I didn't know that yesterday as we passed right by...........twice. After SWAG breakfast several carloads of us headed North to pick up a string of fairly new caches. I think we picked up 32 before we headed for home. Boy, was I ever beat......had to get up early for breakfast and since I never go to bed before midnight I didn't get much sleep. Got home and crashed for about 40 minutes after we got back. Managed to survive the rest of the day.

We're still trying to learn more about Becky's new GPSr and also trying to learn the new GSAK program. So I sat at the computer yesterday afternoon for far too long trying to figure it out on how to log our newly found caches and then get them deleted from the computer. Finally gave it up and called the "JJ GSAK Help Line". He's our local GPSR/GSAK resident garu. Took my computer and stuff over to his house and he got us straightened out............that is until next time, if I don't use the new stuff more frequently I'm sure that I will have forgotten how to go about using GSAK and the Oregon gpsr. At $85.00 per hour for help.......this could get expensive!

I finally remembered to take a few pictures yesterday; but, haven't downloaded them yet. If they are decent I'll post some later.

Nice and warm for the weekend and last night we some rain......woke up a few times and heard it pattering on the M/H roof. A littler cooler today and right now it's 61 at 1230. Guess we can't complain too much. Later. W&B

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