Saturday, December 31, 2011


.........and all that stuff to everyone. Been getting my days and nights mixed up lately so I'll probably be awake when the New Year rolls in tonight. Nothing planned, as usual, did too much partying in years past............maybe I can drive into the desert and empty a clip into the air as a means of celebration. Only time will tell.

Weather has decided to be nice toward the end of the year and we've been enjoying 70s the last few days, maybe even up to 75 today. Attended an Open House held by friends Jim and Linda yesterday. A very nice group showed up to offer congratulations and tour their new pad. I had a double order of ice cream and cake and since we had the RZR "B" and I opted to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine by driving off into the desert. We had no plan in mind; but, of course you have to carry your GPSr where ever you travel. If was getting a little late to hit the Bombing Range so we opted to tour the trails NE of where we stay. Quite a few caches tucked back in the hills that we haven't found so started looking for some and we managed to get skunked on three "Old Guy" caches before we found the first one. Other than the one cache we found all I did was leave some blood on the thorns and branches of gnarly old trees.

Came home when the sun was setting, grabbed some supper and settled back to watch reruns on the tube.

Nothing planned for today except try to stay awake to bring in the New Year. W&B

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Three Days After Christmas..............

and not much happening...........except we got a "Heat Spell" coming up. Supposed to reach 73/74 this weekend. My kind of weather!

We headed to Robert and Char's for Christmas Dinner; but, we had to make a geocaching stop before dinner. Becky forgot the general rule of caching that is to "look for an obvious hiding place" before trusting your GPSr. She started off following the arrow so I let her go while I walked over to the "obvious" place to secure the cache. Signed log and we were on our way to dinner.

Small group for dinner consisting of McNeece family, kids and grandkids and a few other friends. Turkey, ham and all the fixins and we overate as usual. It was a nice quite afternoon and when the sun started to dip below the horizon we hopped in the RZR and headed homeward. Nearly froze our buns off on the way home.

Monday was "kinda" a shopping day, mall not too crowded and we hit a couple of stores but Becky couldn't find anything that grabbed her. On the other hand, we stopped at Harbor Freight and I picked up a bunch of good "deals". Grabbed a cache he had previously not found and kicked back the rest of the day.

Yesterday we had to head for the Commissary to pick up some Orville Reddenbach Poppycock...........we tried a can on our last visit and both of us pigged out on the stuff. We figured it'd be on sale after Christmas and it was marked down to half price.............I think we picked up a dozen cans. Not much else going on except we're enjoying the warmer weather............almost had to turn on the A/C today! All for now. W&B

Saturday, December 24, 2011

A Little Warmer Today So..............

we hopped in the RZR and headed for the Goldwater Bombing Range. We thought it'd be much greener because of the rains and it was. Too bad it's not the time of the year for blooms to start bursting out.........they will later. We only drove about 18 miles on the Range; but, that was enough to take a few pics. Sure beats fighting the last minute shoppers at the mall. Really quite on the range today.........we only met one jeep in our travels.

The two pictures at top were taken when we were geocaching a week ago. This is the old defunct motel that's located off the freeway in California west of Yuma. There was a cache stashed in the back of the motel that B managed to find.

We've been taken it easy due to the cooler weather and I think we managed to take in a couple of movies in the last week or so...............only go to the movies for the popcorn. You buy a big bag and get a refill..........we eat one and fill our bag on the way out to take home. It generally lasts a couple of days and stays fresh in a ziplock. We had a good laugh when we left the theater...........two old folks walked past us carrying their popcorn in a couple of ziplock bags too.

All of our Christmas shopping is done..........we didn't buy anything for anyone so it didn't take long. This is in keeping with the theme of "It's better to receive then to give!"

Christmas dinner at JJ and Char's tomorrow afternoon. They fill up the house every year with family and friends and Becky and I are their "token" snowbirds. Should be another great Christmas Dinner.

All for's wishing everyone a very "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year". W&B

Monday, December 19, 2011

Still Freezing...............

as daytime temps remaining about 63-64 for the high and dipping into 40s at night. Got electric heater running so we'll be OK in the short term.

Didn't make it down to the Tamale Festival on Saturday so Becky will have to do without..........or maybe someone will drive by hocking home made tamales. We usually have some sellers stopping by but haven't seen any so far this year. Of course it might help if we spent a little more time here during the day.

We've been picking up a cache here and there and spent most of Sunday in California near Holtville's desert area. I think we ended up with 60 or so finds. That's a lot of climbing in and out of the car and we were both dead tired when we got home. Something to eat, hot showers and then we both crashed early last night.

Made our first trip into the Goldwater Bombing Range today as several new caches were placed a couple of miles South of us. Recent rains are really helping to green up the desert. Will give it a little more time and then go picture taking.

Finally got some neighbors late this afternoon as Nate and Phyllis showed up. Medical problems slowed down their "leave home" date...........when you get "ancient" the old doctor appointments sure have an influence on what and where you do things! We met several friends in the desert today and after standing around and shooting the bull for a while one of the guys said "I gotta go, knees bothering me". We all jumped in our cars and left.

Not much planned for this week......except making a laundry run. Later. W&B

Friday, December 16, 2011

Drove Up To The Corner...........

to view the Lights Parade of ATVs, dune buggys, etc. Unfortunately my pictures just didn't turn out due to low light and speed of vehicles. I tried; but, these are the only ones that look like something. Two more days of these guys and if I can figure something out I might try again.

Some of the rigs were decorated quite nicely............others had a "few" lights. Heck I could through some lights on the RZR tomorrow and join them. Wouldn't take much.

B gave me hell for shouting out "HAPPY HOLIDAYS' in response to their "Merry Christmas"..........geez I had to do something to make it interesting. I finally ended up with "Mele Kalikimaka"..........which I presume was nicer than Happy Holidays. Oh well..........W&B

Just Trying To Stay Warm................

the past few days...........Yuma finding it difficult to break 65 and nights are really getting cold........dipping down into the 40s! Horrors.

We'll try to survive. Haven't been doing too much, just making our regular rounds.......commissary, mall, gas station and picking up a few caches when ever we get close to one. Our friends, Jim and Linda, have been in a RV park for the past several years and the other day we get an email inviting us to stop by their new house! Seems they found one for sale, made an offer and the owner quickly got together with them for a price they could agree on. Really nice with lots of room and the owner included all the furniture in the deal! Not much for them to do except move their clothes from the M/H.

Tomorrow is "Tamale Festival" in Sommerton, a little town south of Yuma. Since Becky is hot into tamales we might head that way..........or she can if she looks for someone to go with her. You go to one "festival" and you've been to them least in my humble opinion.

I think 3 nights of the local Holiday Lights parade starts this evening in the Foothills. Every year ATVs, Dune Buggys, Golf Carts, etc. etc. owners guzzy up their vehicles and parade around the Foothills with a Police excort and lights flashing for several hours. I kinda thought about putting lights on the RZR; but, haven't been able to find the right people with information. Guess we'll just watch them again this year.

That's about it for us this week. W&B

Monday, December 12, 2011

Tried to Resize Pics Again.................

Will post to see how they turned out..........if any different from earlier post.

Here's Some Pics I Recently Took...............

Took the rainbow this afternoon..............other pics are from
Glamis when we visited on Saturday after Thanksgiving.

Whoops, sorry about the size. New computer and I'm having some problems with resizing the pics.........eventually I'll figure it out (hopefully). These pictures were taken last Sunday when we were geocaching after breakfast. This is the end of the trail where we found the last cache of the day and of course we had to stand around the shoot the bull. We were about 40 or so miles north of Yuma.

Monday And Here We Sit...................

with nothing to do! Well, nothing immediately comes to mind, except we gotta head out to the Proving Grounds where I had the Post Exchange place an order for me. It's in. Too bad I didn't know that yesterday as we passed right by...........twice. After SWAG breakfast several carloads of us headed North to pick up a string of fairly new caches. I think we picked up 32 before we headed for home. Boy, was I ever beat......had to get up early for breakfast and since I never go to bed before midnight I didn't get much sleep. Got home and crashed for about 40 minutes after we got back. Managed to survive the rest of the day.

We're still trying to learn more about Becky's new GPSr and also trying to learn the new GSAK program. So I sat at the computer yesterday afternoon for far too long trying to figure it out on how to log our newly found caches and then get them deleted from the computer. Finally gave it up and called the "JJ GSAK Help Line". He's our local GPSR/GSAK resident garu. Took my computer and stuff over to his house and he got us straightened out............that is until next time, if I don't use the new stuff more frequently I'm sure that I will have forgotten how to go about using GSAK and the Oregon gpsr. At $85.00 per hour for help.......this could get expensive!

I finally remembered to take a few pictures yesterday; but, haven't downloaded them yet. If they are decent I'll post some later.

Nice and warm for the weekend and last night we some rain......woke up a few times and heard it pattering on the M/H roof. A littler cooler today and right now it's 61 at 1230. Guess we can't complain too much. Later. W&B

Friday, December 9, 2011

Warmed Up A Bit Today............

and I think it made it to about 68. Sun shining and sure felt good to be out and about. Had my eye appointment today and although I have cataracts the doc ses they have a long way to go before he would consider surgery. He said my double vision is caused by weakness of the eye muscles I need to focus. Ran me through some eye exercises that I should do 2-3 times a day, said to use eye drops and then have things checked out in two months. If my ability to focus hasn't shown any improvement then I should consider a change of my glasses to a lens that would help my right eye to focus. Just wait and surgery sounds good to me.

Stopped by the outdoor market place and boy was that place ever customers and lots of unfilled spaces for venders. Even the food venders haven't shown up...........used to be able to walk down the food strip and have lots of more. Saw a friend who was baby sitting a vendor booth, he said he had made one sale all day long. Not my idea of a way to spend 4 days.............that's a loooooong weekend to give up.

Stopped by Wally World and made our way home. Didn't even look for a cache today. W&B

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Taking It Easy For...............

the last few days......picking up a few caches here and there, still searching for the best biscuits and gravy (tried the Golf Course again this morning...........gravy better than the last time); but, still searching.

Took a little drive to Mittry Lake yesterday and boy has that place changed since the last time we were out there.

Got an appointment with the eye doc tomorrow morning and it'll be interesting to see what he has to say about cataracts. Been having problems with double vision in right eye and had glasses changed last April.............doc said then "you'll know when it's time to take care of the cataracts"...........I think it's time...............particularly before hussein screws up medicare any more.

Still remains kinda chilly; but, latest weather report ses it might start warming up a least it'll be on the upper side of 65 through the weekend. That's about it, except the old casino bruised me up pretty good today. W&B

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Out Caching Today With the "A Team"..............

consisting of Crzoldy, JJ, Limegreen and myself. Moving too fast to take any pictures so there ain't none for this post. We had breakfast at our favorite "Choke and Puke" in Ligurta and then headed to the desert south of Wellton, AZ. I think we picked up about 58 caches for the day.

Just kicking back now while the temperature drops to near Artic freezing levels. It might hit as low as 38 tonight!!!!!!!!!! Got two electric heaters, one still in the cubby hole so might have to run out there and get it set up for tonight.

Yesterday I made the mistake of allowing Becky to be in charge and we ended up going to the movie Jack and Jill. It turned out to not be as horrible as I expected and it even had a few good laughs. Other then that the story line didn't have much value. We were close to the casino so I made the mistake of being in charge after the movie and gave my red brothers most of my weekly allowance. Too broke to stop for dinner so we came home and I feasted on leftovers............just finished the last of the leftovers tonight. One little old pot roast lasted three meals.

Hope we get out of this cold spell..............need to get out and run the RZR; but, been a bit chilly for that. Hope everyone stays warm. Later. W&B

Friday, December 2, 2011

Just Ate Dinner At..................

the Yuma Rotary Kaumann Sausage fest..............under coercion. We stopped at JJ's Office after we had breakfast at the Mad Chef and he "reminded" us of the sausage fest..............a fund raiser for the Rotary. He's one of the cooks and has been doing so for 25 or so years. So we put it on our "maybe" list. We got our shopping done so headed that way about 1600. Stopped by the Bar B Que area and had a sample sausage fresh off the grill. A tad spicy but pretty good so we went in, bought some raffle tickets and had dinner. The "fixins" took a bit of the spicy edge off for me..............all in all very good. They were also drawing a very nice crowd when we left.

Been trying to stay warm the last few days...........temps in the lower to mid 60s!!! Horrors! Got all of our running around done today, got haircut and made $7.00 contribution to my "red brothers" and that was about it.

Finally got the cable internet installed on Wednesday and my new computer arrived Wednesday evening via UPS. Got router hooked up and now we're both surfing at "high speed"................what a difference. Now I gotta learn Windows 7; but, new computer is dying and going to Heaven..........shudda got a new computer a year ago.

Not much going on tomorrow; but, we're going caching with JJ and Leon on Sunday after breakfast at Ligurta. Someone placed about 60 new caches so that'll keep us busy for awhile.

That's about if for us...............we'll try to stay warm the next few days and hope everyone else does too. W&B