Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sunday.........Another Caching Day.............

and after a nice breakfast at the Golf Course, Larry, Wayne, JJ and myself took off for narrow ridge trails, rocks, snakes and nice scenery. Gave up the desert today and headed toward an area north of Wellton, area we hadn't visited since last December. Quite a few new caches had been placed and we wanted to clean some of them up.

Lousy start........we had a DNF on the first one.........a cache in the middel of a Salt Cedar Tree, should have taken a picture of the area, we finally gave up on that one and headed for rocky trails. Nice area; but, rough, I think we made loop of about 12 miles and it took about 6 hours to do that. Had to go slow.........or at least Larry and I tried to; but following JJ on narrow trails, on top of a ridge at 40+ mph, gets one all puckered up on occasion. Fortunately, we all survived..

Didn't get a picture of JJ's "find" on one of the caches..........Larry and I had found this one last year so were just watching when we saw JJ do a vertical 36" leap............all he could say was "SNAKE!". It was just an itty bitty one and I guess it took off in the opposite direction and was gone before JJ's feet touched ground again. Good for a laugh at the time and an occasional chuckle when we thought about it.

We must have got home about 1600 and after using up all the hot water my tired old bones feel like they'll hold up for another day. I keep telling myself that this is "Fun".

Nothing going on this week except getting my nose "rotor rooted" and that's about it until next time. W&B

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