Thursday, December 9, 2010

Becky Out Of Hospital Today................

.......some of you may know and some of you may not know, she entered hospital on Monday after undergoing numerous tests since we've arrived in Yuma. She underwent surgery to remove a portion of the small intestine and the surgeon reports that "everything" was removed. That was the good news; but, we're still waiting for further tests to be conducted to see if additional treatment will be necessary. For now, everything is fine and I picked her up from the hospital about 1500................since then she's been giving me orders like a drill sargeant, talking on the telephone, playing on the computer and doing her breathing exercises on her little machine................with the exception of the little breathing gadget, everything about back to "normal".

I kinda thought she might be released today so this morning I drug my butt to the laundry and took care of the domestic chores..............naturally, I didn't get "all" the dirty clothes........apparently she has hiding places I'm not aware of...........I thought that the dirty clothes hamper was the place for dirty clothes. As I found out, it wasn't. Anyway I got most of the stuff done.

As you can see from the pics...........she "gained" about 18 pounds (gained ??? I don't understand that) and wasted no time in getting back to her routine. She'll be "cheating" Solitaire on the computer before the evening is over!

That's about it for now. W

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