Thursday, December 16, 2010

Cold, Wet, Windy.....Miserable Weather.......

today. We won't even make it into the 70s................BUMMER!! Temp right now is 58 degrees and might make it to 65 before day is over. Two days of this and we should creep back to the 70s by Saturday. Makes you feel sorry for us doesn't it?

Well, "B" was doing OK until she noticed a "red" area around her belly incision, we went in to the Doc's office yesterday and she has an infection in the incision. So he cleaned it out, left it open for drainage and started her on antibiotics. Gotta go back for the next few days to have it checked and the dressing changed. Don't know what we'll do on Saturday.......guess "Dr. Wayne" will have to assume the duties. Hopefully it will have stopped draining by then and all I'll have to do is keep the dressing changed. A little inconvenient; but, guess these things can happen.

First time "B" has been out for any length of time so we picked up some grub and then made a trip to the casino so we could get our "fix". Bad move, I lost my weekly allowance; and, since she wasn't carrying any money with her I had to back her $10.00 loss too.

That's about it for us at this time. W&B

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