Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Still Trying to Get Set Up................

.........when we arrived I started looking for someone to build a "patio" next to the M/H. I found a couple of guys; but, they've been kinda slow. Well, they are doing the work after their "regular" jobs so guess I can't complain. I bought 150 1'x1' blocks from Home Depot and got a 10% discount.......that paid for the sales tax. The guys picked them up and delivered them yesterday and today they staked out my patio area and brought a load of sand. Hopefully, they'll get back tomorrow and start placing the blocks. Home Depot loaded a pallet of the blocks and I think I got 160 instead of the 150 I ordered......or maybe a few more. Maybe they gave me some extras because of breakage........or else it was easier to load a pallet then to count out 150 and load them by hand. I won't complain. Think a 10 foot x 15 foot patio should do nicely. Anyway, I haven't dug out the barbque, chairs, tables, etc. until they get done.

It's been HOT the last couple of days.........we left this afternoon and when we go back the temp inside the M/H was 99 degrees. Took a long time for it to cool down with the A/C running. Outside in the shade it wasn't too bad..........but don't have anything set up out there yet.

Becky and I did a little caching yesterday around the immediate area.....I think we found about 10 and there's about 600 plus that we haven't found............and probably never will. It keeps the old folks busy around here. Out first S.W.A.G (Southwest Arizona Geocachers) breakfast is coming up on Sunday the 14th. Looks like we'll have a pretty good turn out.

Don't know what we'll be doing day to day.........stopped at the casino today and I was $16.00 ahead for awhile............then I lost it and all of my weekly allowance too. Tomorrow is Old Folks day at one of the casinos; but, we don't much like that casino so will probably pass on it.

Getting late so will check the tube for anything interesting........if nothing will call it a night. Can't go to bed too early..........if I do then I wake up about 0600 and can't get back to sleep. Bummer!


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