Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday ...................

The Original Can of Beans was on display, the owner brought it over from Phoenix. You have to be a cacher to have knowledge of the OCB. Becky observing JJ cooking the buffalo burgers, JJ and Char, our hosts/hostess. This was the line waiting to gobble down the buffalo burgers.

the day after JJ's Pot Luck Event. It was well attended and Buffalo Burgers were yummy! Here's a few pictures of the attendees.

This morning I headed to the glass shop to have the window replaced in the Suzuki and they only took about 35 minutes to fix it. My next stop was heading toward down town to see if I could do something about getting internet up to speed. I finally decided to sign up for Beam Speed and after messing with the modem and finally calling the Beam Speed office I got it running. Compared to the Sprint air card we're now living in the fast lane again. Won't be able to get Becky off the computer now. So we're now paying Sprint $60 bucks a month and Beam Speed $50 for the internet.........oh well you can't take it with you.

Still haven't unloaded the trailer or get the patio area set up. I'm going to talk to Jorge tomorrow afternoon and see how much he'll charge me to build a patio area outside the motor home with some 1x1 foot bricks. Property owner has no objections so I'll probably get it done. It will sure make the patio area a lot easier getting around.

Kinda warm this afternoon.........and we're supposed to be in a "cool down" period. Oh well, sure beats rain and cold! Later..........w&b

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