Friday, October 22, 2010

Made It To Yuma.............

about 1140 this morning. Problems with hooking up to electricity; but, finally got that resolved so have my MTV and a very, very sloooooow internet. Guess it'll have to do for now. We're using Sprint air card and it works fine everywhere..........except YUMA. I called Sprint and they were supposed to have 3G equipment installed and working by now; or, so they said last March. Latest word now is it's supposed to be working by end of year. I won't hold my breath!!

Made a speed run to the Marine Corps Base to get our Bombing Range passes, stopped by glass shop and they'll fix my window on Monday for $155.00. Guess that's not too bad, I certainly expected it would cost more than that. Some guy came to see if we wanted M/H washed, I asked him what kinda "deal" I could get, he said he'd wash car for "free", wanted $190.00 for wash and wax, that included waxing roof. Told him to forget it 'cause I had it done for $165 in March. He told me I was a cheap skate and left. Now I'll probably have to keep everything under lock and key.

Going to Bombing Range tomorrow with JJ and Larry..........told Becky she could stay home and "clean up" the joint. Looks like it'll take the rest of the week to get things squared away. I asked the guy who came to get my electricity going if he knew of anyone willing to lay some 1 x 1 blocks to make a patio in front of the M/H. He said he did and I gave him my phone number. Wanted to do this last year but never got around to it. Land lady has no objections so will go for it. Might have to get a shed of sorts also to store my extra stuff. Electrician said there was a lot of vandalism going on around the area. Jobless rate is about 26% according to an article I read so the midnight thieves might be pretty active this year.

All for now..........just wanted to let those interested know that we made it to Yuma. W&B

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