Friday, October 15, 2010

Birthday Dinners Today................

Doug and Cassidy were supposed to figure out a place for dinner........for the last two days they couldn't agree on about a hour before dinner they finally agreed on P. J. Changs, a Chinese Restaurant in downtown Portland. Personally, I was ready for a steak; but, not to be. As it turned out the Chinese joint was pretty good and we didn't even have any leftovers to bring home. After that Cassidy needed a cupcake "fix" for dessert so we stopped at a strictly cupcake joint they had found previously. I asked for my senior discount and the cupcake dude said it "was in there" with total bill. I told him his gratuity was in there also as I pocketed my change!

Party day tomorrow and then we head back to Corning early on Sunday morning. Pack up the M/H and leave again for Arizona about Monday or Tuesday...........depends on how long it takes to get the M/H ready to roll.


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