Wednesday, October 20, 2010

In Barstow California..........

at the Marine Corps Logistics Base. Arrived here a couple of hours ago for an overnight, then to the West Side of Lake Havasu to visit their casino tomorrow. Finally, arrive "home" in Yuma sometime on Friday.

Guess my last entry was Friday when we were in Vancouver, WA. We left Vancouver on Sunday, arrived Corning and then spent Monday getting M/H and trailer ready to leave again. Left Corning on Tuesday, spent night at Harris Ranch and then arrived Barstow. Weather been great and we just missed the monsoon at Barstow. Lots of standing water alongside the road and "flooded" signs still on the roadway that hadn't been removed yet. Could have used a good downpour to wash off the M/H..........but not to be.

Had a great trip to Washington........except for Saturday night. Got ready to leave on Sunday morning, we were staying at a Best Western Motel, and found the driver's side window had been smashed in the Suzuki. A smash and dash and the thieves took my $99.00 Nuvi GPS off the dash. They'll never make it as thieves............they left two Garmin GPSrs on the console, value about $300 each, left two Canon cameras in the back area, value about $400 each, a peanut butter jar full of quarters under the seat with about $70 in it and miscellaneous items we had purchased in Vancouver. I spent about $100 for goodies at Home Depot and another $75 or so at the Outdoor Wholesale place. The idiots could have really made a nice haul; but, smashed my window and all they took was the Nuvi. Will get window replaced when we get to Yuma.

Drove to Dug's house, cleaned up the broken glass, found a piece of plexi-glass at Lowe's and Dug cut it to fit, taped it up with some super-duper duct tape (at $10 a roll it should be good) and away we went. The duct tape and plexi glass are still holding up quite well..........a little wind noise; but, that doesn't bother me as Becky is following me in the Suzuki while I'm driving the M/H and pulling the trailer.

That about catchs you up on our activities for the last 5 days.


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