Thursday, September 30, 2010

Still Having Temps Near Triple Digits.............

so we've been sticking close to home with the A/C rattling away. Went to Old Folks breakfast this morning.........our "half-price" breakfast cost me $32.00!! However, I did get a "free" coke before we left the slot machines.

Guess we're heading to Woodland sometime tomorrow for Jace's family BD party on Friday night and then he and Grandma will spend Saturday doing (???) while I kick back with football. Becky got a call from her sister, they were in Medford and were supposed to drive down to Corning today; but, not sure now as her hubby suffering from ear pain. Guess he went up into the mountains around Medford and the altitude got to his ears. Bummer.........can't get back to the Midwest without encountering some more altitude. Maybe they can join us in Woodland.

Got the A/C running in M/H so will load it up with a couple days of food for out trip. I let the A/C run all day yesterday to see how it would do in near triple digit temps..........not that great as it cooled down to 82 and wouldn't go any lower. Temps should be down in Yuma when we get there in November so reckon we won't smother if remnants of summer heat are still around.

That's about it for this neck of the woods. W&B

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